Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Top Webmaster Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What you can do with a word processor as webmaster?

It can convert your document into a web page so that it can be displayed like a normal web page in a browser.
You can create links that point to other websites or other pages on your own website. This can be done either automatically by Word when you type a web address (like "") or manually.

2. What are the responsibilities of webmaster?

A person responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining a website or websites. It is the webmaster's responsibility to troubleshoot and find the underlying problem. Once the problem is found, the webmaster fixes the problem and ensures that every aspect is once again working properly.

3. What is programming?

Basically, a major part of a webmaster's time is spent in programming and project development. This involves various tasks such as the following: coding the site; adding new content and features; enhancing navigation through tweaking Javascript, CSS and HTML; creating animation, video, sound, logos and and artwork; installing Java, Javascript coding and Flash; installing Perl scripts; and backing up the site. They also provide security against hackers and spammers. Our company has highly qualified programmers who can efficiently perform all of these things for your website.

4. What is troubleshooting?

This is a vital role of any webmaster. To keep the website running seamlessly, webmasters will constantly test your site for functionality, ease of use and load time. They ensure that content on the site is easily understandable for the target audience. If there are any complaints from users, they assess the situation and perform corresponding solutions.

5. What is web design?

Webmasters can also be specialists in web design. They can design an appealing visual appearance for your website that suits your potential customers. They focus on building a website that is not just visually attractive but also fully functional. As designers, webmasters have a high level of creative and project oversight responsibility for the web development process. Upon completion of site creation, webmasters continue to maintain and develop the site and provide project management services during the entire process. Compared with pure web designers who solely focus on the beauty of a website, webmasters are much more competent since they actually see the site from a technical, aesthetic, functional, security, and most importantly, sales viewpoint.

6. What Google webmaster tools give us?

Google Webmaster Tools shows traffic for each keyword separately; it gives more information about website performance according to Google search query. This tool does not cover search results from other search engines, such as Bing, Yahoo, or Baidu.

7. Explain Google webmaster tools?

☛ Submit and check a sitemap
☛ Check and set the crawl rate, and view statistics about how Googlebot accesses a particular site
☛ Generate and check a robots.txt file. It also helps to discover pages that are blocked in robots.txt by chance.
☛ List internal and external pages that link to the site
☛ Get a list of broken links for the site
☛ See what keyword searches on Google led to the site being listed in the SERPs, and the click through rates of such listings
☛ View statistics about how Google indexes the site, and if it found any errors while doing it
☛ Set a preferred domain (e.g. prefer over or vice versa), which determines how the site URL is displayed in SERPs
☛ Highlight to Google Search elements of structured data which are used to enrich search hit entries (released in December 2012 as Google Highlighter)[1]
☛ Receive notifications from Google for manual penalties.

8. Tell me your level of expertise in matters of website security?

Describe your knowledge of malware and hacker threats and any tools you can use to protect the website.

9. Do you like to work as a team player?

Describe any projects which required team work or collaboration with at least one other individual beside yourself; work with operations director and close coordination with the management of your organization.

10. Tell me have you ever been responsible for SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is part of any website optimization and promotion expertise; describe specific situations and the SEO strategies you have used, such as link building, content SEO and site structure.

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