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App Store Optimizer (ASO) Interview Question:

Explain me what should be the biggest focus for app developers and marketers in 2020?

Submitted by: Muhammad
Retention, retention and retention. As smartphone users are maturing, the time that they spend with apps becomes a lot more limited, and as a result a lot more valuable. Sure, you can blow huge budgets on acquiring users. But what good is it if those users do not come back to the app.

Industry stats show less than 18% of new app users return to the app after first use. The bottom line is, if you can't get your audience to stick around and build a rich, durable relationship with your brand, you're going to be at a major competitive disadvantage. A lot of what we do here at Yodel Mobile has this focus very much in mind. It's about leveraging the analytics to devise strategies that can reduce churn, increase re-engagement and essentially drive LTV.
Submitted by: Muhammad

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