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Top App Store Optimizer (ASO) Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell us what was your favorite app in 2019?

My favourite app for 2019 would have to be Moneybox. The guys over there have put a clever spin on rounding up your expenses and using that spare change to invest into thousands of leading companies such as Netflix, Unilever and Disney. Very easy to use, great support and a wonderful UI.

2. Explain me do keywords in App Store reviews affect ASO?

Yes, they do. All the keywords in the app store reviews are indexed by the app store search engine. Hence, as part of our ASO services, we mine user reviews for getting more keyword ideas as they are full of ASO friendly keywords.

3. Tell us for how long have you been involved in ASO or app marketing?

I've been involved in ASO when it was still a buzzword within the mobile space. As a result, I've kept a close eye on the app stores and their developments.

4. Explain us about your experience with AppTweak and give us your favorite feature?

Having compared the majority of key players out on the market, we felt that AppTweak was the most well-rounded tool for its price point. One of my favourite features is the ranked keyword feature.

5. Please explain does ASO use similar techniques like SEO?

Some techniques of ASO are quite similar to SEO. Optimization for the app name, title, and URL, keyword research for app searches, app rating and reviews generation, deep linking within mobile apps, CTR optimization, indexation of Apps in Google SERPS (search engine results pages) are some of the tactics which are variants of the ones used in SEO.

6. Tell us do you have any “masterchef” ASO tips?

A/B testing is imperative to ASO. Leverage experiments and A/B test everything from icon to screenshot to description. However, the key is not to simply carry out an A/B test, but to incorporate a hypothesis based on previous results. It's a continuous cycle of proving and disproving hypotheses, but what you'll realise is that you're at the same time carrying out optimisations.

7. Tell us do we need to do some changes in our app to support ASO?

We have realized that most of the high performing apps in app stores are the ones that are constantly evolving while reflecting technology changes, updating with additional features, considering end-user feedback and other improvements. So we strongly suggest that you should update your app at regular intervals, take user feedback into consideration and accommodate it in your app design/framework, track ratings on a regular basis.

8. Tell us how do you see the world of ASO and App marketing evolving?

There are currently +60,000 apps per month being released between Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. In addition, we're seeing the growth of apps across other devices such as wearables and smart TVs. The app stores are continuously trying to segment into more granular app categories in order to allow users to find the correct type of apps that they're looking for. I believe we can expect to see the big app stores breaking up into mini app stores that house specific types of apps. For example, a gaming app store or a wearables app store, etc.

9. Explain me about your most challenging ASO “experiment”?

Although not entirely ASO, but still falls within its realm, is the optimisation of the iOS and Android app store listings to drive organic visibility on Google. Sounds a little strange (I know), but we've managed to successfully rank all of our client's apps in top positions for specific, high relevancy and high volume search terms. Which have resulted in an increase in app store page views and more importantly organic conversions.

10. Please explain what was it about this industry that made you choose it as a primary job?

The mobile industry is one of the most dynamic and fastest evolving industries that I have encountered. As smartphone adoption continues to proliferate throughout the world, so will the use of apps.

There are new developments happening all the time and it is a truly exciting space to be involved in. I think it's partly my passion for tech and partly my interest in data that have led me to where I am now. It truly is an interesting industry and one that will continue to change and evolve.

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