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IBM WebSphere Interview Question:
What are deployment descriptors? How many types of Deployment descriptors are available? What are they?
Submitted by: AdministratorDeployment descriptor is an XML file that describes how to deploy a module or application by specifying configuration and container options. For example, an EJB deployment descriptor passes information to an EJB container about how to manage and control an enterprise bean. There are two types of deployment descriptor in websphere: Web application deployment descriptor and portlet deployemnt descriptor
Portlets are packaged as WAR files with a web application deployment descriptor (web.xml). This defines each portlet as a servlet within the web application, including unique identifiers for each portlet, the portlet class, and initialization parameters.
Submitted by: Administrator
Portlets are packaged as WAR files with a web application deployment descriptor (web.xml). This defines each portlet as a servlet within the web application, including unique identifiers for each portlet, the portlet class, and initialization parameters.
Submitted by: Administrator
Deployment descriptors are three types
Submitted by: Kranthi
Submitted by: Kranthi
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