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JBoss Interview Question:
What are the differences between EJB 3.0 and EJB 2.0?
Submitted by: AdministratorEJBs are now plain old Java objects (POJO) that expose regular business interfaces (POJI), and there is no requirement for home interfaces.
► Use of metadata annotations, an extensible, metadata-driven, attribute-oriented framework that is used to generate Java code or XML deployment descriptors.
► Removal of the requirement for specific interfaces and deployment descriptors (deployment descriptor information can be replaced by annotations).
► Interceptor facility to invoke user methods at the invocation of business methods or at life cycle events.
► Default values are used whenever possible (“configuration by exception” approach).
► Reduction in the requirements for usage of checked exception.
► A complete new persistence model (based on the JPA standard), that supersedes EJB 2.x entity beans
Submitted by: Administrator
► Use of metadata annotations, an extensible, metadata-driven, attribute-oriented framework that is used to generate Java code or XML deployment descriptors.
► Removal of the requirement for specific interfaces and deployment descriptors (deployment descriptor information can be replaced by annotations).
► Interceptor facility to invoke user methods at the invocation of business methods or at life cycle events.
► Default values are used whenever possible (“configuration by exception” approach).
► Reduction in the requirements for usage of checked exception.
► A complete new persistence model (based on the JPA standard), that supersedes EJB 2.x entity beans
Submitted by: Administrator
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