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Functional Testing Interview Question:
What is Test item tree? Can you provide an example that helps to create a test item tree?
Submitted by: AdministratorTest Item tree is a data analytical method which allows constructing a hierarchical structure on the items of a questionnaire or test from observed response patterns.
Assume that we have a questionnaire with m items(see below q1,q2,q3, etc..) and that subjects can answer positive (1) or negative (0) to each of these items, i.e. the items are dichotomous. If n subjects answer the items this results in a binary data matrix D with m columns and n rows. Typical examples of this data format are test items which can be solved n(1 )or failed n(2) by subjects. Other typical examples are questionnaires where the items are statements to which subjects can agree (1) or disagree (0).
Submitted by: Administrator
Assume that we have a questionnaire with m items(see below q1,q2,q3, etc..) and that subjects can answer positive (1) or negative (0) to each of these items, i.e. the items are dichotomous. If n subjects answer the items this results in a binary data matrix D with m columns and n rows. Typical examples of this data format are test items which can be solved n(1 )or failed n(2) by subjects. Other typical examples are questionnaires where the items are statements to which subjects can agree (1) or disagree (0).
Submitted by: Administrator
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