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#1 2017-05-25 04:19:32

From: Capital
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51+ Firefighter Specialist Interview Questions And Answers

Community Firefighter Specialist Job Interview Questions and Answers

Firefighter Specialist interview preparation guide for freshers and experienced professionals. Explore these number of Fire Fighter Specialist frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted from many job interviews

Explain what did you like least about your last job?
Please explain what do you think of your previous boss?
Why are you leaving your current role as Firefighter Specialist?
Why do you want to work in this industry as Firefighter Specialist?
What salary are you looking for as Firefighter Specialist?
Tell me how an apple tastes to someone who can't taste?
What's your greatest weakness as Firefighter Specialist?
Why should I hire you as Firefighter Specialist?
Why are you looking to leave your current job as Firefighter Specialist?
Tell us what religious holidays do you practice?
Tell me about your ability to work under pressure as Firefighter Specialist?
What motivates you in you career?
Explain me your gap in employment?
Each employee should know their responsibilities in the event of a fire.         A.    True  B.    False
Which of the following(s) is/are true?         A.    Designated exits must always be unlocked from the inside  B.    You should know the fire exit closest to your workspace, and also have a secondary exit in mind just in case  C.    Designated fire exits will always be marked with a green EXIT sign and will be lit from within to insure visibility  D.    All of the above
What is the first priority in a fire?         A.    Run  B.    Move your patients - Rescue  C.    Call 911
If you have a fire in your microwave         A.    Turn it off immediately and open the door  B.    Turn it off immediately and keep the door closed  C.    Open the door and attempt to put out the fire  D.    Get a lid from a pot or pan to cover the fire
The P.A.S.S. acronym stand for:  Pull  Aim  Step  Squeeze         A.    True  B.    False
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are designed for which types of fuels?         A.    Class B and C.  B.    Classes A, B and C.  C.    Class A and C.  D.    Class D and A.
Switching off the computers and printers at the end of every workday can prevent any overheating of equipments which in turn lead to fire hazards         A.    True  B.    False
An example of two "Class B" fuels would be:         A.    Brass and aluminum.  B.    Cardboard and newspapers.  C.    Grease and paint thinner.  D.    A toaster and a circuit breaker.
What should you do when your clothes catch fire?         A.    Run quickly such that the wind helps to put out the fire  B.    Scream for help  C.    Stop where you are, drop to the floor, roll gainst the floor and cool off with water after the fire is out  D.    Grab a fire extinguisher and spray it on your clothes
In the event of an uncontrolled fire in your vicinity, your first course of action should be to         A.    Get a fire extinguisher  B.    Run out of the building  C.    Activate the alarm  D.    Ask your lecturer/boss what to do
The local fire department should be called whenever an uncontrolled fire starts within the facility         A.    True  B.    False
Where should smoke alarms be placed?         A.    On or near the ceiling  B.    On or near the floor  C.    In the middle of the wall  D.    In the corner of the room
Clinic extinguishers can be used for what type of fires?         A.    Wood, paper, and trash  B.    Flammable liquids  C.    Gases  D.    Electrical  E.    A, B, and D  F.    All of the above
Which type of fire extinguisher has a large black plastic horn on the end of a flexible hose or short rigidpipe?         A.    Air pressurized water.  B.    Carbon dioxide. (CO2)  C.    Dry chemical. (ABC)  D.    All of the above.
An APW (water extinguisher) is safety is on an electrical fire?         A.    True  B.    False
Fire extinguishers are checked by clinic staff         A.    Weekly  B.    Monthly  C.    Yearly  D.    Never
What is the minimum number of fire escapes route(s) for a room?           A.    At LEAST one  B.    Two  C.    Three  D.    Four
To operate the fire extinguisher, the acronym P.A.S.S. is often used to help us remember to _________________________________________________________.         A.    Pull the pin, aim at the base of the fire, squeeze the handle, and sweep at the base of the fire  B.    Pass by the fire, activate the fire alarm, select the proper extinguisher, shoot at the base of the fire  C.    Pull the alarm, alert the response team, shut down the power sources, secure the area  D.    Pass by the fire, activate the sprinkler system, seal fire area from oxygen, stop unauthorized entry
Fresh Firefighter Specialist Job Interview Questions:
Role-specific Firefighter Specialist Job Interview Questions:
Professional Firefighter Specialist Job Interview Questions:
Operational and Situational as Firefighter Specialist?
Basic Firefighter Specialist Job Interview Questions:
Explain me a time when you did not get along with your coworker?
Tell us about a time when you messed up at work. How did you fix your mistake?
Tell me what have you done to improve your knowledge for a FIRE OFFICER POSITION IN THE LAST YEAR?
Please explain how would your friends describe you?
Tell us what is your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it?
Tell me what is your five-year plan?
Tell me what are you proud to have accomplished at your last job?
A "backdraft" is a smoke explosion caused by a fire which has consumed the available oxygen within a given space.  High heat, flammable gases, and a smoldering fire remain.  A potential "backdraft" situation exists in _______.         A.    An electrical panel  B.    A storage closet  C.    The plenum between a suspended ceiling and the floor or roof above  D.    All of the above
When a fire is spotted, what emergency number should you call?  A.    911  B.    995  C.    1800-112-6868  D.    112
Behavioral Firefighter Specialist Job Interview Questions:
Tell me what field experience do you have for a FIRE OFFICER POSITION?
When were you most satisfied in your job as Firefighter Specialist?
Where do you see yourself in five years as Firefighter Specialist?
Tell me what is one of your flaws?
Tell us how would your previous manager describe you?

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2017-05-25 04:19:32

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