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#1 2017-07-02 06:33:10

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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61+ Customer Support Executive Interview Questions And Answers

Customer Services Customer Support Executive Job Interview Questions and Answers

Customer Support Executive job interview preparation guide for freshers, professionals and experienced candidates. Explore list of Customer Support Executive frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted from many real job interviews

Explain me what is customer service?
Tell us what are your goals as a telemarketer?
Tell me how would you respond if you didn’t know the answer to a question?
Explain are you able to work with multiple phone lines?
Tell me what would you do if a customer was rude to you?
Explain me how many calls per hour can you make on an average campaign?
Tell me what would you do if your replacement didn’t show up?
What do you consider ethical spending on an expense account?
Tell me what do you know about our products and services?
You are not given the tools you need to be successful. How would you change that?
Suppose the credit card machine is broken. What do you say to the customers?
Tell me how would you handle a high pressure environment?
Tell me what types of customer service systems have you used in the past?
You notice there are too many non productive internal meetings being held, what do you do?
Why did you leave your last position as Customer Support Executive?
Tell us how do you measure your success as a customer service rep?
Tell us do you prefer to work alone or with others?
What are your strengths and weaknesses as Customer Support Executive?
What is your typical way of dealing with conflict? Give me an example?
Tell me an example of a time you gave a customer great service?
please explain how do you stay organized?
Explain me what relevant qualifications do you have?
If you were given more initiatives than you could handle, what would you do?
Why are you applying to work here as Customer Support Executive?
Walk me through the last two times you were trained on how to support a new product?
Tell us what do you do when you don’t know the answer to a question?
If you have multiple projects on your plate, how do you handle completing them on time?
How much are you willing to sacrifice to be successful at work?
Please explain yourself as someone who can easily handle fast-paced, high-pressure situations?
Tell me what is an example of a time when you identified a problem and advocated on behalf of a customer?
Your client is upset with you for a mistake you made, how do you react?
Please explain how would you handle an angry call from a customer?
Top 20 Customer Support Executive Job Interview Questions:
GENERAL Customer Support Executive Job Interview Questions:
SPECIFIC Customer Support Executive Job Interview Questions:
TECHNICAL Customer Support Executive Job Interview Questions:
Basic Customer Support Executive Job Interview Questions:
As you know this position requires functioning well within a team to resolve customer issues. Can you describe your experience working in a team environment and your teamwork skills?
If you felt like you were hitting the proverbial "wall" and getting burned out, what would you do to re-energize yourself?
Explain me about an experience you’ve had with a really irate customer. How did you handle it?
Tell me do you mind telling me about a time when you went out of your way to make sure a customer was happy?
Explain me about some of the problems with previous products or services that you’ve supported?
Since this is a customer-facing role as you know, you will regularly face conflict. What are your strategies for handling conflict?
Give me an example of a time when you were able to successfully communicate with another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you (or vice versa). How did you handle the situation? What obstacles or difficulties did you face? How did you deal with them?
The change in the business industry now requires you to have a new set of skills you have to learn, how do you react to that?
You have a project due in one hour but a more important emergency that affects business needs to be fixed immediately, what do you do?
Suppose if a customer came in and wanted to return an item they had obviously used extensively without a receipt, what would you do?
Tell me what do you do if the dialer puts a Do Not Call number through to you by mistake?
Explain me two examples of times when you’ve turned an angry customer into very happy customer?
Explain me a time when you dealt with a difficult customer. How did you handle the situation?
Explain me what do you do when a customer points out a big, known issue with your product or service?
Tell me what do you enjoy about customer service?
Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion?
Your coworker highlights your mistakes in front of everyone, how do you handle the situation?
If the company you worked for was doing something unethical or illegal, what would you do?
Tell us how do you handle a customer who starts yelling at you as soon as they pick up and  find out that you are a telemarketer?
Tell us have you ever had conflict with your team leader or manager?
Tell me why do you love customer service?
Tell us how would you deal with a difficult customer?
Explain me have you tried our product or service? What problems did you encounter?
Explain me what makes for great customer service?

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2017-07-02 06:33:10

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