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#1 2017-07-24 06:16:10

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

58+ Logo Designer Interview Questions And Answers

Designing Logo Designer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Logo Designer based job interviews test questions and answers list. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting stack. Learn about Logo Designer and get preparation for your new job interview

Tell us what's the difference between rich black and auto black?
Tell us what inspired you to join graphic designing field?
Please explain what processes do you find most difficult in creating a new design?
Tell us how much bleed do you normally have on your layouts?
Why should our small firm hire you as Logo Designer?
Explain me the biggest freelance job you've done?
Tell us what types of designing projects are you most interested in?
Tell us when is eye catching, too much?
Do you know what is a blueline?
Explain me what do you do when a client wants a reverse ad?
Where do you see yourself five years from now as Logo Designer?
Tell us which process of a project creation do you enjoy the most?
Please explain us your portfolio. Which pieces are you most proud of, and why?
Tell us what is your experience with CSS?
Tell us what experience do you have in designing for the web?
Explain what is your preferred software for creating these designs?
Suppose you are designing a new logo for our company. What would it look like?
Tell me have you ever gotten tired of creating new designs?
Tell us who is your favorite super hero?
Tell us which programs are you comfortable working with?
Tell me what is your workload like?
Why should we hire you as Logo Designer?
Tell us what method of design do you use most frequently, tables, css, or standards?
Please explain your creative process. What are the major steps?
Tell us when working with flash, what is a reasonable timeframe for a leaderboard banner?
Explain me design aesthetic?
Explain me your process of taking a project from initial sketch to the final product?
Best Logo Designer interview tips:
Operational in-house designer Job Interview Questions:
Role-specific Logo Designer Job Interview Questions:
Operational agency designer Job Interview Questions:
Sample Logo Designer Job Interview Questions:
Portfolio based Logo Designer Job Interview Questions:
Basic Logo Designer Job Interview Questions:
Explain do you find CSS to being superior or inferior?
Tell us how do you incorporate feedback into your designs? What’s a time you received hard criticism for your work?
Explain us about your experience working remotely. What do you feel is important to make sure the work gets done efficiently?
Tell us how do you work with collaborators like copywriters, developers, and project managers? Tell me about the final hand-off process?
Explain us what’s an example of a project where you disagreed with the client’s feedback and how did you handle it?
Tell me what do you enjoy designing graphics for the most? Example would be, for advertisements, for websites, video games, etc.?
Tell us have you worked on a project as part of a team? How did it turn out? What parts did you contribute?
Explain me your design process like?
Tell us what motivated you to apply for this project?
Tell us how long does a typical project take you to create from sketch to finish?
Tell me when creating graphics, what do you think is the most important aspect, planning, design, or implementation?
Tell us about a time when you closed a deal with someone that was unsure about going forth, how did you do? What was the project for?
Suppose someone asks you to design something without any context. What do you do?
Tell us how do you meet tough deadlines? Tell us about a time you completed great work under pressure?
Please explain what qualities and skills should a good graphic designer have?
Tell us how would your other clients describe working with you?
Please explain something about your most challenging design project yet?
Tell us when designing print jobs what file format would you use for photos?
Tell us how familiar are you with Adobe's product line?
Tell us who is your favorite designer?
Tell us what's the difference between the gripped edge and the deckle of paper stock?
Tell us have you done freelance work before?
Explain me how do you measure the success of your designs?
Explain what brands do you most admire and how do they influence your work?

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2017-07-24 06:16:10

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