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#1 2015-03-26 09:51:41

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

Best Tips To Pass Any kind of Interview

Best Tips To Pass Any Kind Of Interview

A job interview:
          A Job interview is the important part of the selection process. Perfectly written CV is usually the prerequisite for inviting someone to the interview or the enclosed motivation letter, which fulfill all requirements of the employer from the candidate. It is not at all easy to get the invitation to the job interview these days, because there are a lot of suitable candidates on the labour market. Therefore it is not strange, that you feel not only joy but also responsibility and often fear. For the majority of us, it is difficult to bring up the best in us and make the positive impression about us in this stressing situation. We need to keep in mind, that the first seconds of the meeting will reveal a lot about us. On the basis of if, the recruiter will make the first impression, which can influence the course of the whole meeting. Therefore, be careful about each detail because anything however small can decide. Correct passing of the interview can be trained, but there is always something to work on. Your experience and certainty will grow with the number of passed interviews. Many questions and situations repeat during the interview, and you always have the chance to make things better, or to say something more suitable for an answer.

Be prepared for an interview:
                    Preparation for the interview is extremely necessary. Presently you can gather a lot of valuable information about the potential employer from internet. First of all, it is good to find out all available information about the company, for example from their website. It is worth trying to read current information, press releases and news, which make the life of the company now, that is how you can prove your orientation and interest in the company itself. You can use social networks to get the information. You will be surprised, how many interesting things and links you can find. Finally, this information will help you to get the complete picture of the company. Another important part of the preparation is to think about the answers to the most common questions of recruiters.  Try to say your CV out loud even if you feel you already know it by heart. It is important to prepare the beginning for your positive introduction.

Be precise regarding an interview:
                    Always come in time for the interview or even a few minutes early. Let the recruiter or reception know about your possible delay over the phone. Do not come too early for the interview, you will put yourself and the recruiter into stress because he/she might have other working duties before your interview.

Be nice at the first look:
                    Behave adequately to the situation, say the greetings, know the name of  the recruiter, who invited you to the interview. Be careful about suitable clothing, be always suitably dressed. Jeans, trainers, sports outfit are certainly not the suitable clothes for the interview. You will never spoil anything by proved classics (black suit, blouse, high heels, or shirt).

Be positive during at the interview:
                    You should try to be positive from the start, do not complain (how you could not find the way, the bus was late, you had nowhere to park). Never talk badly or provide negative information about your previous employer. Do not forget to thank for the chance to attend the interview at the beginning.

Be well-balanced:
                    Even the attending of the job interview is the stressing situation for the majority of us, try to stay calm. Do not show any signs of your fear.  If the recruiter asks you a question, no harm done, if you think about the answer for a couple of seconds, take a deep breath and continue with a smile.

Be communicative:
                    Your communication at the interview will of course be the most important success factor. You should speak clearly and to the point. The tone of voice also says a lot about you. Do not forget the non-verbal communication too, experienced recruiter is able to get a lot of information from it, your lack of interest or a lie. The important start is shaking hands, train the optimum squeeze. During the whole interview, try to keep an eye contact with the person that communicates with you. Under no circumstances cross your arms or legs in front of your body, do not put your hands in front of your mouth. It is good to read a book on non-verbal communication before going to an interview.

Be structured:
                    When giving your answers, you should try to get the substance of things, try to keep a certain chronology. Do not jump from one subject to another, do not add things, you forgot to say, your answers will appear chaotic. Here you will certainly appreciate the time you spent for preparation at home.

Be self-confident:
                    You should be self-confident but it is necessary to judge the right degree with which you can highlight your strengths, experiences and knowledge. Do not overestimate yourself needlessly, be realistic but do not underestimate your experiences so far. Employer looks for a personality, who is able to assess his/her own qualities.

Be aware:
                    If the advert for the job position requires certain knowledge (foreign language, computer program) be aware of the fact that the recruiter may test your knowledge during the interview. Nowadays, the recruiter often starts talking in foreign language during the interview to check your knowledge in practice. It is therefore good to prepare possible answers in foreign language. You never know, when it may come useful.[/size]

Be well-read:
                    The question of your salary will come up during the interview. Search for the information about the adequate financial remuneration for the position, you are applying for in advance, you will avoid having to "guess" the numbers. Do not give too large financial interval, which says you do not have any idea about the adequate salary. Be clear on how much you deserve and for what.

Be curious:
                    At the end of the interview, you will most likely be given the space to ask your questions. It is not good to finish the interview without asking any question from the recruiter. It says you are not interested enough in the job position. Prepare few suitable questions before the interviews.

Last edited by alisiddiqui (2015-03-27 11:13:42)

2015-03-26 09:51:41

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