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#1 2015-03-30 06:00:49

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

12 Signs That An Interview Went Well

Signs Of A Good Job Interview

Too many candidates leave the interview room feeling confused. They really do not know how the interview went. In many cases it is very difficult to read the interviewer’s body language or the interviewee was too tense/stressed to follow the interviewer’s reactions.
Some candidates are too optimistic, some are too pessimistic while others are totally confused after the job interview.

This article provides signs of a good job interview. The article lists 12 good signs a job interview went well and the way one should read these positive signs. So how would you read body language during an interview? How could one sense these positive interview signs? In fact, reading the signs of a successful interview is very simple.

12 Signs Of A Good Job Interview

Here Are The 12 Signs:

1) The interviewer acts interested (sits up straight), polite, listens carefully, asks good questions and the discussion goes smoothly.

2) The job interview lasts more than the scheduled time. Say – more than 30 minutes.

3) You are introduced to the other team members.

4) The interviewer spends time answering your questions. He or she tells you many details about the job duties, responsibilities, company culture, workplace environment etc.

5) The interviewer asks for your references.

6) He or she does not answer phone calls during your interview.

7) The interviewer asks about your availability – when could you start?

8) Your salary expectations are asked and discussed.

9) They say that they are going to call you soon.

10) You can read in the interviewer’s eyes that he or she really liked your answers.

11) The interviewer schedules the next interview right after the job interview – they really do their best to interview you a second time.

12) The interviewer smiles when shaking your hand and gives you his business card telling you to call his cell phone concerning any question.

Now, could you tell if your interview went well?
Though it sometimes tough, try to differentiate between the ‘promising signs’ and the ‘warning signs’ to bolster your self confidence.

Last edited by alisiddiqui (2015-03-31 11:27:26)

2015-03-30 06:00:49

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