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#1 2015-03-31 05:47:19

From: Chichawatni
Registered: 2014-10-13
Posts: 8,355

Job Acceptance Letter

Accepting Job Offer Letter

Job Search Journey:

Your job search journey is not over till you actually join a company on a regular basis.
In fact, the company’s decision whether to hire you or not is subject to change at almost any time, right from the initial interview to the next interviewing process, or even during the salary negotiations.
Therefore, you should ensure that everything you do during the hiring process is flawless.
This article deals with one of your last tasks – accepting the job offer. The task includes sending an acceptance letter for the said job offer and it is actually your final action before the job contract is signed.

Acceptance Letter:

Once your job interviews are completed and you are accepted to the job-position, the company will send you a job offer.
If you decide to join the company based on the terms indicated in the job offer, you should inform the company of your decision.
Without sending an acceptance letter, the entire job hiring process will be in limbo and there will be no documentation confirming whether you have accepted (or are inclined to accept) the job offer terms.
Hence, it is mandatory that you send an acceptance letter for the said job offer as soon as you decide positively.

How To Accept Job Offer:

You may call the company’s HR department informing that you accept the job offer and you have already sent (or intend to send) an acceptance letter for the same.
The letter should be simple, concise and to the point. You may send the acceptance letter either by email or by post.

The letter informing the company of your decision to accept the job offer should contain the following:
1) A thank you note for the organization for giving you a chance to work with them.
2) A concise, basic acceptance of the job offer.
3) The terms and conditions that have been agreed upon by both parties – the ‘would be employee’ as well as the ‘would be employer’.
4) The conclusion should be the starting date of employment.
Once these four aspects are covered, you can be sure that you have done your part according to the regulations and it may be used for this purpose.

Job offer:

Acceptance Letter Sample:
Here is an example of an acceptance letter; please edit/rewrite according to your needs:

Dear Sirs/Mesdames,
This is in regards to the “job title” employment offer that was presented by your esteemed company on “date”. I take immense pleasure and pride in informing you that I accept the offer to work at your company.
I accept the terms indicated in the job offer – points 1, 2, 3 ..
As per our discussion, I shall complete all the formalities and paperwork before the job contract is signed on “date” and I will join the office on “date”. I will also complete the delivery of other “necessary documentation – insurance etc.” before this date.

I would like to reiterate my desire to do my utmost for the company, and my determination to enhance the company’s progress.
I look forward to meeting you at the office,

Thanks and Best Regards,

Failure is the first step towards seccess.

2015-03-31 05:47:19

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