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#1 2015-04-04 06:01:56

From: Chichawatni
Registered: 2014-10-13
Posts: 8,355

Turning Hobby Into Business

Can A Hobby Work For You?
How To Turn Hobby Into A Business?


Many have heard of great success stories from those who quit their day jobs to pursue active and lucrative hobbies from home.
Is this choice right for you?
As known, one of the first questions asked when brainstorming the career choices available is related to one’s interests. A hobby is definitely one of the favorite interests of an individual – otherwise, he wouldn’t spend hours on his hobby.
But can this hobby work for him/her? Can this hobby turn into a business, a career?
The answer is: in most case – Yes, absolutely. Can most people do it? No, they can’t.

How To Turn Your Hobby Into a Business

Hobby vs. Business!

Is your Hobby what you Desire to do full-time? If you do, then what kind of a Hobby do you have? Are you interested in selling products or providing a service?
While the above are just the initial points you may need to consider, there are many other points regarding the hobby potential and a clear vision – the business goals.
Now, let’s translate the initial desire of ‘making a hobby works for you’ into a business plan. You would have to answer the following questions:

How To Make The Jump?

Product Based Hobbies:

1) How much time do you have to devote to your Hobby?
2) Is your Hobby requiring that you spend money for inventory or supplies?
3) Are you selling any products or are they for personal pleasure?
4) Can you produce several products for a show or sale?
5) Do you have several finished items already in stock to launch your business?
6)  How do you plan to promote your product?
7)  Have you sold your products to others than friends or family?
8) Who is the targeted customer base for your product?
9) Are you selling from home, or planning to use a shop/storefront?
10)  Do you have legal zoning rights to sell or market products?

Service Based Hobbies:

1) How will you advertise you business as a service provider? Do you have access to yellow pages, newspaper or online markets?
2) How will you provide your service, in home, consumers’ home or shop?
3) Does your service require legal/educational certification or licensing?
4) Do you have a reliable transportation source for completing services performed at consumers’ home or business?
5) What supplies are needed to perform your service, and in what volume per service?

Each of these questions is based on whether you are prepared for the journey of turning your Hobby into a lucrative business or even possibly a career.
Any job, even the ones we love can be very time-consuming.
Having several features decided of how you would like to operate as a professional in your Hobby niche will make the transition much easier and possibly less costly.

Selling Creative Skills or Talents

Hobby-Business Idea:

Do you possess a strong skill or talent you would like to market or perhaps subcontracting your services?
You can apply several of the rules or questions to the same context considering your skill as a service. If you desire perhaps to be a songwriter, or antique buyer you are the product.
Your main goal is to sell yourself.
➔ Build a portfolio
➔ Find your target market
➔ Research your available market for fresh talent opportunities
➔ Consider you may have to travel extensively
➔ Are you available for the opportunity when it does arrive
➔ Have a contract of employment available, set hours and limitations
In several cases of skill or talent based Hobbies, you may not need to adhere to the cliché trends of the times, but consider what positive trends are available for you to investigate increasing your marketability.

Difference between Hobby and Business?

Hobby or Business:

The significant difference between the two is that a business requires financial discipline and a plan, while a hobby is just …well, a hobby.

What Are The Downfalls Of a Hobby Based Business?

Several ideas and profitable businesses are lost to poor planning and management. When one gets the notion to pursue such a venture there are several factors to consider.

Don't Overstock In Inventory:

This could hinder your efforts to advertise or promote your product if you buy many supplies or invest in a large inventory expecting a large demand once you go public.
➔ Build a forecast base on what you can produce in a given schedule
➔ Start with a low-budget inventory base as promotional items
➔ Keep track of hours spent creating inventory
➔ Test products for durability and wear
➔ Check your hours spent, by money invested to calculate pricing schedule
These options are geared towards you making money. You want your profit to be clearly in the green. If you are spending too much time creating or building products causing overly high-priced wares, check to see what you can change. You want to interest your consumer, but not too cheaply. Also, take into account you will have some returns or unsatisfied customers.
Therefore, prepare a business plan based on realistic figures and check/update it on a regular basis.
One of the reasons for many  new businesses failures is the lack of a good business plan.

Set Ground Rules

Hobby and Work Rules:

Concerning costs of sales and after sale transactions, you will need to put this in black and white.
Not only will this keep consistency among consumers you will be able to provide comfort. If a consumer is a first time buyer, the risk is removed or at least addressed.
➔ Include a sign or post (if online) that you do or do not charge sales tax
➔ You may do commission work only – set appointments
➔ If necessary set an estimated shipping date and shipper, per their costs
➔ Include a return, refund policy, or provide a channel for customer feedback
It may seem that these are simple items, but not figured into your Hobby based business accurately, it can cause a business to fail. Considering all factors before launching an entrepreneurship will help build a secure foundation.

Depending on your basic skill, desire or invention it is always valuable to out line a positive plan of action.
It is also wise to employ legal counsel for any concerns, which may arise, or to survey your business plans for any hidden issues.

Failure is the first step towards seccess.

2015-04-04 06:01:56

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