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#1 2015-04-14 06:24:14

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "What is the most difficult situation you have faced and how you solved it?"

Tips To Answer Interview Question "What is the most difficult situation you have faced and how you solved it?"

An Overview:

A job is not just about working and handling the day to day affairs, but is also about handling the difficult situations sometime occur during the day. Any company would want to hire a person who can work well, deliver on time as well as handle the difficult situations that he or she might come across in their professional life. Therefore, the interviewer may ask a question regarding difficult situations and how you handle them in order to assess your ability to work under stress and pressure.
For example, the question might be framed as what is the most difficult situation that you have faced. In some cases, they might ask you to describe a situation in which you were successful.

Tips To Answer This Question:

Firstly, to answer the question about handling your most difficult situations, you should retrospect about what position you held in the previous company. Unless you were working at the post of a manager or a leader, you would most probably be handling general situations and would have the support of others to solve any difficult situation.
You have to explain the interviewer how you actually handled the situation and why you chose that way.
For example, you should first describe the situation, the optional resolutions you gathered, the actions you decided to take and finally the results and lesson learned.

Here Are Suggested Steps:


Getting ready for difficult situations.


Communicating the problem/situation that was raised.


Understanding the root cause of the problem.

Providing Resolutions:

Considering possible solutions and choosing one.

Taking Action:

Rectifying/solving the problem.

Checking Back:

Learning the results.
You can also describe a situation where you have provided excellent customer service, if you were working in the customer care department of the company. You may also describe a situation where you were successful in creating a better communication between the client and the company. While answering this question, you should keep in mind that it should not come across as a brag, but should give relevant information about a true incident that occurred with you during your past job experience.
These are some of the tips that you should keep in mind while answering a difficult situations interview.

2015-04-14 06:24:14

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Re: How to Answer Interview Question "What is the most difficult situation you have faced and how you solved it?"


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