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#1 2015-04-15 05:19:48

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?"

Tips To Answer Interview Question "What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?"

An Overview:

Your greatest achievement may be part of an answer to the interview questions – Tell me about yourself. If you do not include this part in your answer, the interviewer may ask about your greatest achievements to get a clear picture of your career. Therefore, in order to know who you really are, the interviewer would like to assess your career accomplishments.
This article provides tips on answering the interview question – What is your achievement? Or What would you consider as your biggest achievement and why?

Tips For Greatest Achievement Job Interview Question And Answers

For answering this question you should think of:


Let’s start brainstorming – How did you improve ‘things’ while you were working at your previous jobs?
For example:
☛ Great initiatives and fresh ideas.
☛ Have you shaken old methods?
☛ Developed a new program.
☛ Target sales, new sales.
☛ Reached new clients?
☛ Developed a new customer satisfaction procedure?
☛ Improved the accuracy of budget forecasts?
☛ New design on time-schedule.
☛ Achieved project goals.
☛ Established good working relationships with customers.
☛ Great team work.
☛ Established new quality standards.


Think of the actions that you took to achieve the goal. Every single step that you have taken for achieving the objectives:
☛ Tasks during the activity.
☛ Your personal management activities.
☛ The changes and difficulties that you handled effectively.

Value And Performance:

☛ How was your target goal measured?
☛ Who was the initiator – you or your bosses?
☛ What did your bosses say after achieving these goals?


What were the results of your achievement?
For example:
☛ Better quality performance or reliability?
☛ Did you make any difference in sales numbers, costs and profits?
☛ What about customer satisfaction?
☛ Did you improve support service level? What about productivity, efficiency and the company’s reputation? Did you make any difference?
After thinking about the above questions you may have a perfect answer to the question – what were your greatest achievements?


It would be wise for you to present a career achievement that reflects back to the job requirements and to the company to which you are applying. In this way, you gain the employer’s interest – tell a success story where you have had a challenge with an impressive achievement.

2015-04-15 05:19:48

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