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#1 2015-04-16 05:37:25

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "What can you contribute to this company?"

Tips To Answer Interview Question "What can you contribute to this company?"

An Overview:

There are several questions that are asked during an interview, and each of them has different connotations. These questions are asked by the interviewer to find out more about the interviewee and give him the rationale that they are perfect for the said job.
Some of these questions, when asked, would seem to indicate that the person is more or less hired by the company and the rest of the questions are asked just to make sure that the decision is a right one.
One of these questions is ‘what can you contribute to the company?’ Or ‘what skills can you bring to the job?’ or ‘what can you bring to our company?’

A Few Tips To Answer This Question

If asked such a question, these are some aspects that you should keep in mind:

Be Specific:

When you are asked this question, you can be sure that the interviewee wants to find out any specific qualities  that you might be bringing into the company. Therefore, do not be ambiguous and tell them about ‘the vast number of skills’ or the ‘unlimited scope of growth to your sales team’ when asked this question.

Be Logical:

Most of the time, when an interviewer asks about what you can offer the company, they would want some concise and logical answers, so that they can compare you with the other candidates and the job requirement/description. If your answers are too illogical, you have already lost the race amongst equals.
It is recommended that you read the job description carefully before the job interview in order to determine what the needs for the job in question are. Then, write down your best achievements and qualifications that reflect back to the job and the company you are applying for.

Be Detailed:

When asked about the skills that you can bring to the job, you have to provide all the specific details about your relevant skills, experience and other professional traits. This will make it possible for the interviewer to determine whether it is a good idea to hire you for the job. The best way to give the right details is to make an insightful preparation and go through your best relevant strengths and skills that can contribute to the said job.

Answering The Question

One will need to lay out what his/her most valuable contributions could be and how these can apply to the position. When hiring employees, the company is making an investment – they must be convinced that the new hired employee is a good asset.
Therefore, it is important to keep your answer on target. You will want to be specific to the job for which you are applying.
Here is an example of a way to answer the question.
Divide your answer into two categories: skills and relevant past achievements/experience.


Firstly, to know your real value, you must know your strengths and weaknesses, your skills and your future goals. It would be helpful to make a list of these in advance before the interview. You should also gather information about the company itself and its future goals (Performing online research before the interview will help you access information on the company’s mission and other important details).

Relevant Achievements And Experience:

Secondly, describe your achievements and how you introduced change in your previous positions – Mention how effective you were and the goals you have successfully achieved. Do not be hesitate to talk about the depth of your experiences as long as you stay on target to the position in which you are applying for.


The preparation will help you remain confident and professional while explaining what you can do for the said company.

2015-04-16 05:37:25

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