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#1 2015-04-16 05:42:30

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "Why Are You Qualified for this Position?"

Tips To Answer Interview Question "Why Are You Qualified for this Position?"

An Overview:

With the economic scenario changing quite fast, the number of jobs available has slowly decreasing. Of course, companies are still looking for the right resource for the right job, and the interviews are still formed out of several questions that are not about the experience of a person on a professional level, but also whether they have the best qualities and competencies for the said job.
There are some questions that might seem tough, but these are actually questions that are used to choose the first amongst equals.  One of these questions is why do you think you are qualified for this position.
The employer wants to observe what makes you a must have. He wishes to know if you understand the position requirement and also to verify that the values you posses make you the best for this job – Those qualities that other prospective candidates may not have.
Be prepared for this question because it is commonly asked by many employers also to see your reaction to tough interview questions.

Tips For Answering This Question

Many a times candidates fall back to defend themselves rather than taking this great opportunity to formulate an appropriate response. Here are some aspects to remember while answering the question:

Ask Yourself:

To reply to the question, you should actually first ask yourself why you are qualified for the job. Once you have asked this question to yourself, you will be better equipped to answer it.
For example, while preparing your answer to this question before the interview, you will find out some hidden traits and positive aspects that you have, which you can use to answer the question. Remember that the question is the best way to portray your positive aspects to the interviewer.  Therefore, you should make it a point to put across your positive aspects to the interviewer when asked this question.

Your Interests:

Another aspect to remember is that one is better eligible for a job if they hold a personal interest in the job and in the area/industry he applies for. For example, if you are interested in graphics, the role of a web designer or a graphic artist would always be more lucrative for you. Keep this in mind while replying to the question of why do you believe you are more qualified for this job. If you succeed in connecting your hobbies and personal tastes to the job that is at hand, you stand a better chance of being selected to the job.
These are the two important aspects that you should keep in mind when asked about your qualifications.

Answering The Question "Why do you feel you are qualified for this job?"

A good way to answer this question is to bear in mind that if you were actually invited into the interview process, there is already something in your background that interests the company. So, you could take this opportunity to direct the discussion to the job’s competencies requirements, which are what really concerns the employer, and discuss any possible match points between your skills set to the job needs using these ‘comparison of competencies’ to your advantage.

2015-04-16 05:42:30

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