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#1 2015-04-17 05:51:43

Registered: 2015-02-23
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Questions to ask at the End of an Interview

Questions To Ask The Employer at The End Of An Interview

An Overview:

While it is true that the interviewer uses the time available in the interview to know more about you as a candidate in order to find out whether you are the right choice for the job, you can also use the end of the interview as a chance to ask intelligent questions for knowing more about the company, the interview process and showing more of your interests thus putting you in a positive light.

So, What Questions You Should Ask In A Job Interview?

Generally, the interviewers allow the interviewee to ask some questions at the end of the interview. This is normally done in order to expend more about the job duties or to know more about the candidate’s interests and reasoning.

Tips for Asking Questions At The End Of Interview

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Do Not Ask Obvious Questions:

When you ask your set of questions at the end of the interview, try to keep them as open ended and general as possible. For example, it is obvious that under no circumstances can you ask to know whether you passed the interview or not.
However, you can use the time to find out more information about the interview process, like how many rounds of interviews would be taken, what would be the timeframe in which they would carry out the interview and even (tactfully) how many people have applied for the job post.
The best questions about the interview process would be:
✈ How do we go ahead from here? – Which would basically tell you about the interview process.
✈ How long is the interview process going to be? – This is a good question to ask when it is a big company that is hiring multiple profiles. With this, you can be sure about the time that the company would take to complete the first round of the interview.
✈ When can I expect a call? –The interviewer would inform you about the time-frame that you would need to wait for to expect a call.
✈ Are they planning to check your references?
Unless you want to clarify important issue, be careful not to ask questions that are already discussed during the interview or the answer can be found in the job description.
You may also use this time to theoretically place yourself as one who has actually taken the job by asking questions like – first required tasks, new project, working environment, work culture, future professional enhancement etc.

An Ignorant Questions:

Do not ask questions at the end of the interview that would expose your ignorance about the company. In some cases, people go to an interview without knowing anything about the company. This is generally seen in the case of newbies.
However, if you are given a chance to ask thoughtful questions, use this opportunity to ask questions that would make it seem that you have done your homework and know everything about the company that one could find out through the open domain.
You can ask questions about the future of the company (and the industry), the plans it have for strengthening its presence in the market, such as: new products, new service approach, new strategy alliance etc.

2015-04-17 05:51:43

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