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#1 2015-04-18 05:40:45

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Present Yourself in an Interview and Impress the Interviewer?

Tips To Present Yourself In An Interview And Impress The Interviewer?

An Overview:

When you are in the process of preparing yourself for your job interview, one of key prep steps is practicing your interviewing performance and reshaping your presentation level in order to create the best positive impression on the interviewer. Needless to say that, your mission in the interview is to present yourself as the perfect match for the job.


Competencies are the skills and knowledge one obtains as meander through professional and personal life. If you succeed in keeping the interest of the interviewer to your career achievements, qualifications and overall skills/qualities, you will earn your first positive points as someone to be considered for the job. Great! You’ve passed the first selection criteria. But this is not enough.

Level Of Motivation:

In order that you stand out from the rest of the applicants, you’ll need another key feature to present – Your motivation. Employers love motivated employees as they are invaluable to any organization – They are quick learners, enthusiastic, caring and often go beyond the call of their duty. Motivated individuals develop their talent by their inner drive – They ask questions, volunteer and overcome obstacles.
On the other side, unmotivated people, even talents who lack the required motivation, are ineffectual. An unmotivated/talent employee is an oxymoron to the business.
Therefore, if you succeed in expressing your motivation level, you will create the best image of yourself.

How To Present Yourself Well In Interviews

Presenting Your Competencies:

You will be the main topic of discussion in the interview. An important part of your preparation and as trivial as it sound, you need to ‘know yourself’ in order to present yourself effectively. Examine your professional experience, accomplishments and your career goals. Make an in-depth self analysis of what they have to offer in your profession. The interviewer will ask you set of competency based questions and behavioral based questions. You would be wise to prepare yourself to answer these questions properly.
Also, think about potential job interview questions ahead of time and be prepared to give intelligent/organized answers.
You should also be prepared to ask your own queries. Normally, near the end of the interview you will be given the chance to ask questions. The questions that you ask can tell a lot about yourself – Do not ask questions just for the sake of asking.

Presenting Your Motivation Level:

Convincing interviewers that you are highly motivated requires more than answering questions the right way. You must express yourself with enthusiasm. Interviewers expect to find keenness in candidates.

Communicating Your Motivation Levels:

As part of the interview, the interviewer will ask you motivation question. Questions like:
☛ Why do you want this job?
☛ Why did you choose this career?
☛ Why us – why do you want to work here?
Therefore, make a short list of all the things that attract you to your career and to apply for the job. Answer the question: Why this job and what motivates me?
Keep on practicing your answer until you’re happy with the results and the fluency of your answer.
Your body language and how you say things are just as important – Show your level of energy. How you will response to this question will constitute the core of your motivation.

Tips And Other Factors To Impress The Interviewer

Dress The Part:

It is important to dress appropriately for an interview, so that your prospective employer feels that you are a conventional as well as proficient individual. Refer to – Job Interview Attire .

Be Confident:

Be self-assured. When you are self-assured, you would undoubtedly have a better chance of making the right impression. This could be noticed in many ways, such as a rigid hand shake, an optimistic stance, a pleasant/conspicuous smile, in addition to sustaining eye contact.

Calm Down:

Though the job interview is crucial to your career success, it is advisable not to be too nervous, as this could send a wrong message about yourself. It is recommended to stay focused and not stressed. Refer to How To Relax Before An Interview.
Last but not the least, as soon as the interview concludes, it is worthwhile to send the interviewer a polite thank-you note and this can be done after a day or so, following the interview.

2015-04-18 05:40:45

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