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#1 2015-04-18 05:50:51

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "How would your rate yourself as a team player/leader or anything else?"

Tips For Answering Interview Question "How would your rate yourself as a team player/leader or anything else?"

An Overview:

A possible job interview question could be: ‘How would your rate yourself as a team player,  a leader or just about anything else.”
The interviewer wants to asses your self-confidence level on a specific subject.
Don’t be confused and state that you are very good at what you do [what they ask]. This is not the time to be humble. Be confident about your value. However, the key issue here is to then back up your assertion with a short example that demonstrates that you are as good as you say.
The difference between a valid/solid rate value and a fake one is the real-pro-life example one provides.


I am a very good team leader because of two important aspects:
1) I am a great believer in giving/taking people feedback. People are unaware of their performance if they don’t get feedback. I always ensure that my feedback was timely and objective—that is, based on facts rather than speculation.
2) I also believe in consulting/listening my team members in matters relating to their work. Not only people tend to feel more valued when they’re consulted, but often I can be made aware of important matters that I previously wasn’t aware of.
Here is the time to give an example of an interesting case that occurred in your team.  Something that proves a good team lead.

A Note:

Some companies prefer using the term ‘leading a team’ rather than ‘managing a team’ – Make sure that you use the same language. Sometimes, just using the right word can make the difference.

2015-04-18 05:50:51

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Re: How to Answer Interview Question "How would your rate yourself as a team player/leader or anything else?"


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