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#1 2015-04-24 05:18:04

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?"

Tips For Answering Interview Question "Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?"

An Overview:

The interviewer may ask you interview questions regarding the purpose of your job search – The reason you want to leave your current position, your present job and your company (if you’re employed).
This article addresses this question and provides answer for the same. People leave their jobs for common reasons. Many researches were conducted to study these reasons, so you most probably can find your case fits in one of them. After reading this article, refer to the list of articles below for more information.

Being Tactful:

Your motivation to leave your current job is one thing but answering interview question about it is another thing. When answering why you are leaving your job, you’d be careful not to harm your chances of getting hired – Certain things need not be revealed to interviewers. At the end of the day, the new employers should know whether you can do the job, whether you will fit into the company culture and what is your motivation level.
You want to give the most truthful answer while:
➔ Not presenting any haphazard or negative image about yourself.
➔ Not blaming your bosses because blaming others creates a negative idea about your professionalism.
➔ Not revealing any problematic (or personal) information.

Positive Aspects:

It is important to stress the positive aspects by communicating strengths, purpose, and enthusiasm. You must make an impression that you are seating in front of the interviewer for a well thoughtful reason – You have an organized career plan, positive attitude and clear job target.


Why do you want to leave your job? Or why are you leaving your current job?
Here are two answers to compare:

Answer 1:

I do not feel I am going anywhere in my current job. The Morale in my department is very low, and the management does not give feedback or rewards. I do not like working there anymore.

Answer 2:

After working in [your current company] for more than 5 years, where I have learned a lot on [your profession]- I am now a master/expert in [A, B, C] working plus managing people and exploring new markets for our products, it is time for me to move on and enhance my professional growth. I want to improve my overall skills by joining a larger and more progressive organization where I can learn/utilize [other skills] and experience in several different areas. I am also ready to take more responsibilities and feel I am competent for X, Y, Z.
The difference between the two answers is obvious – One is negative and the second is positive:
The first answer communicates too many negatives about your current job while the second one uses positive language – you have good thoughts on your current job (you are even grateful) and yet have clear-mind toward skills, accomplishments and future prospects.
Do Not Miss Out Other Articles:
General Careers And Job Interview Services
Best Reasons For Changing Jobs

Last edited by alisiddiqui (2015-04-24 05:22:59)

2015-04-24 05:18:04

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Re: How to Answer Interview Question "Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?"


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