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#1 2015-04-27 06:15:18
- alisiddiqui
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The Face to Face Interview, Advantages And Disadvantages
Tips For Face To Face Job Interview
An Overview:
You have been called for an interview at one of the top companies in the industry but you do not know how to turn an interview into a job. Realize that although the schools you attended, the educational degrees and years of experience you have are of utmost importance, if you do not present well in the interview, you might lose the job offer.
Face To Face Interview Tips
Do not lose hope, or falter in your confidence. Following are ten tips that guarantee you a sure shot chance to turn an interview in your favor:
Research everything regarding the company, to the best of your ability. Visit the organization’s website and go through their mission and vision statements, their products/services, competitor analysis etc. Try to acquire as much information as you can. If the organization does not have a website, refer to a public library or perhaps Chamber of Commerce, but do your homework well. If possible, speak to someone in the workforce; employees at any level can yield rich results.
Inventory Of Values:
While you might have an idea of what you are bringing to the table for the company as an employee, in all likelihood, the company does not, and may also lack a proper idea as to whether you are a perfect fit for the company or not. Create an inventory of the advantages and abilities that you will contribute. This inventory will be useful when you ‘sell yourself’ in an interview.
Be ready to talk about any career changes you have had. Make a note of your strengths and weaknesses. Showcase your weaknesses in such a way that might put you in good light. That is, mention weaknesses briefly, but elaborate on the lessons learned and focus on your strengths.
Introductory Statement:
Prepare your introductory statement well. You have but two minutes or so to acquaint and impress the employer. Maximize it. Do not meander into irrelevant information/conversation during this crucial time.
Read How To Introduce Yourself In An Interview.
Interview Body Language:
Be confident and maintain composure. Rehearse in front of a mirror, role model with colleagues. Always maintain eye contact, and a pleasant expression.
The Dress Code Factor:
Be well dressed (in required attire). Avoid bright colors, overly-trendy clothing, and similar non-business attire.
Emphasize your background success stories – your past achievements. A good, related work experience with an achievement is one of your strongest key aspects. Warning: Avoid sounding arrogant. Mention how you were only successful due to teamwork, etc. Probably, that is the truth! And you will make a better impression.
Read about your accomplishments and your achievements.
Be Punctual When Answering:
It is okay to take a few seconds to gather your thoughts, or even say, “I need a minute to consider this – what an interesting question!” However, if you are well prepared, this will probably not be necessary.
See – Job interview questions with best answers.
It Is A Dialogue:
Do not let the conversation shape into a monologue. Be curious – it shows intelligence – and ask questions pertaining to job responsibilities, work culture etc. Converse with the employer by asking the right interviewee questions.
Be Honest:
As they say, ‘Honesty is the best policy’. Do not attempt to deny or cover-up past problems and mistakes. Be open and but brief; no need to elaborate either. Do remember to bring forth how you grew professionally from the experience.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Face To Face Interviews
Having discussed tips for a ‘Face to Face’ personal interview, let’s close with the advantages and disadvantages of such an interview:
You can see immediately the effect of your words. When properly prepared and attuned, you can change directions. If you are prompt, have good manners and look impressive and put together, a face-to-face will allow you to reap the benefits of your good qualities.
Each interview will require more effort, time and expense. When you do not receive the coveted job offer, you will have made a large investment, with no tangible results. Remember, it does not have to be for naught! Take time to review the interview in detail, with a colleague, so that you can be more successful with the next one.
2015-04-27 06:15:18
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