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#1 2015-04-28 05:48:51

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

New Career Options And Oppertunities

Looking for New Career Ideas? Try These New Career Options

An Overview:

Are you looking for a career change – i.e. looking for a new career? Are you bogged down by the mundane work life of your present job? Are you open to consider new career opportunities?
If at all, you are, then you will agree that you are in dire need of a career change that brings back your interest levels and provides you with firm grounding for a promising future. But, how does one initiate a new career? How does one find a new career? Though there are hundreds of consultants and tons of websites that offer you with even more opportunities to choose from, none of them seem to hit the point. To sum it up, they all try to ‘hard sell’ career opportunities to desperate seekers!
Well, if you sit down and contemplate as to what interests you, you can surely deduce the career opportunity suitable for you.

Ideas And New Career Opportunities

Following is a broad classification of careers based on key attributes/interests of seekers:

Interaction Oriented:

Do you like interacting with people? Do you like sharing knowledge and exploring opportunities mutually? If you are then you are truly a ‘people’s person’. You may look upon the careers such as: Teacher, Physiotherapist, Management, Hospitality, Healthcare, Welfare adviser, Public Relations, Community Worker, Receptionist, Sales, Tourism, and Solicitor etc. All these careers require interaction amongst people; however, each one of them requires distinct characteristics as well.

For Instance:

A Sales career might require someone with a ‘go-getter’ attitude while a Receptionist career might require an understanding and soft-spoken person. Thus, care needs to be taken while choosing a career option. Ideally, you need to be well aware if your key traits match up to the job requirements.
Outdoor worker:
Are you one of those who hate to work in confined locations? Do you like to work in open space? If you are then you are an outdoor worker. Some of the career options along with their respective skills required are:
◆ Farmer: Skills: Preserver, hard worker and educated in agribusiness.
◆ Armed forces: Skills: Daring, go-getter.
◆ Zoo operator: Skills: Love for animals, Patient, educated in animal science
◆ Civil engineer: Skills:Analytical and educated in engineering.
◆ Sports Coach: Skills: Aggressive and team leader/player.
◆ Police officer: Skills: Mature thinking, concerned and method oriented.
◆ Firefighter: Skills: Daring and ability to stand for a cause.
The list may go on and on but skills may differ from career to career.


Do you have the propensity of looking at something in different light? Do you have penchant for a certain artistic field? If you are one of those who prefer to work on their creation till the time it is ready then you surely have a creative bent of mind. However, like already stated, each of the career options may require basic creative skills and interests levels but also distinct personal traits. Some of the careers open for you may be:
◆ Writer: Skill: Loves to work in isolation. A dreamer.
◆ Painter: Skill: Works in isolation. Highly emotional and meticulous.
Some of the other careers could be: Film maker, Poet, Screenwriter, Graphic Designer, Fashion Designer etc.

Driven By Money:

Though, it is not apt to be ONLY driven by money but there are a few careers that provide tons of opportunities wherein you can earn re-invest and keep earning more and more. Such careers are typically for those who have a penchant for ‘numbers’. Some of the career options are: Investor, Stock broker, Lawyer, Doctor, Entrepreneur, Company Secretary, Chartered Accountant, Real Estate Agent, Insurance seller, Judge etc.
These are just some of the career options and opportunities for an individual who is on the period of choosing a new career.

2015-04-28 05:48:51

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