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#1 2015-05-01 06:02:20

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How To Get A Job After Being Fired?

Tips For Getting A Job After Being Fired

An Overview:

Being fired from a job happens to be a quintessential reality these days, and it is not that we are trying to pacify you. Due to the economic slowdown and recession hit market conditions; many people are being laid off all across the globe.
So, the foremost thing for you is to not consider ‘being fired’ as a stigma to live on with. Rather, you may look at it constructively. Perhaps, you required a ‘job-switch’, a career change or wanted to venture in entrepreneurship all this while and now the situation has cropped up; it is time to milk the opportunity.
It is never an easy task securing/getting a new job, especially the journey of getting a job after being fired. It is a ground reality that you need to face. However, it is not impossible to find one either.

First Important Questions To Address:

▸ How much getting fired from a job hurt your chances of landing a new job?
▸ How to explain being fired from a Job?
▸ Should you lie about being fired from a job? No you don’t.
▸ Can being fired from a job puts off a future employer?
▸ Should you tell a Potential Employer that you were fired from a Job?

How Can One Find A Job After Being Fired?

Steps to follow: What to do after being fired?
1) Well, firstly, you need to get over the fact that you have been fired.
2) Reasons for getting fired: Secondly, you need to utilize the unemployed period in understanding why did it happen? Was there a genuine reason behind? Did you lack a key skill or technological know-how? If so, then get on acquiring the key skills.
3) What to do when you lose your job: Further, ponder over your career goals and personal goals to stay focused. Thirdly, imbibe a positive attitude; it will help you a lot.
4) Fourthly, start getting in touch with acquaintances, past employers, friends and keep a look out on opportunities. Lastly, take out time and tweak your professional resume before you start applying.

How To Explain Why You Were Fired In A Job Interview

First and for most, you do not have to explain being fired before any job interview, but to write “terminated”, under the reason for leaving a job in any job application. These are the key points to remember while getting interviewed after being fired:

Reason For Being Fired:

The most typical question that is going to be darted at you is the reason for you getting fired. You need to understand that this is one question you must be well prepared for it. Further, you need to sound genuine and be honest with the answer. Refer to – Why Were You Fired? How to explain, answer and handle

Match Your Skills With Job Requirements:

Once you have stated the reason, you need to position your skills in a way that match up to the requirements of the job.

Never Lie:

Most, if not all, of the companies perform a background check before hiring new employees. Don’t lie because a lie has no legs. The better thing to do is to prepare a good mature answer. Do not even think of lying! Employers will never count your words, even if it sounds logical, they tend to go for a ‘referral check’ to ascertain the truth in your words.

Never Crib:

Avoid cribbing about your last employer. Remember, you would be cribbing in front of your prospective future employer. Your chances getting a new job: let’s face it, it was better you were never being fired. But, these days, many people are fired at least once in their life career and as with any issue is life, things may depend on how you present this issue – The important factor is the reason behind the lay off. Therefore, if you’re having a good/mature explanation, employers can understand it and won’t mark a negative point on your candidacy.

Get Prepared:

Browse and read as many articles in this blog before you face a new job interview.

2015-05-01 06:02:20

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