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#1 2012-04-02 06:21:42
WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Interview Questions And Answers
Microsoft .Net Technologies :: Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Job Interview Questions and Answers
WCF job interview preparation guide. Number of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many WCF interviews
1 ► What is Fault Contract in WCF?
2 ► We have already 2 hostings IIS and self hosting. There is another hosting ie WAS Hosting. What is the use of the WAS(Windows activation Service) compared to other hosting?
3 ► What is the main advantage of WAS? (Windows activation service) When it is used?
4 ► What is overloading in WCF? How to do authentication in WCF.?
5 ► Explain Different ways to host WCF service?
6 ► Explain What is DataContract and ServiceContract?
7 ► Could the IIS-hosted WCF service make use of HTTP transport security if the IIS virtual derectory that contains the service does not support it?
8 ► Do we have to use the relative addresses when hosting in the IIS or the absolute addresses? Why?
9 ► What hosting functionality is unique for the Vista OS?
10 ► Is the MsmqIntegrationBinding used the msmq.formatname scheme or the net.msmq scheme?
11 ► Explain Can we use the public queues without the Windows domain? If cannot then why?
12 ► Tell me Is there an error in the Msmq address the "net.msmq://MyHost/private$/MyQueue"?
13 ► When is the MsmqIntegrationBinding or the NetMsmqBinding used?
2012-04-02 06:21:42
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