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#1 2012-04-03 02:50:43

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Registered: 2012-03-16
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Biotechnology Interview Questions And Answers

Medical Science :: Biotechnology Job Interview Questions and Answers

Biotechnology Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Biotechnology is technology based on biology, agriculture, food science, and medicine. Modern use of the term refers to genetic engineering as well as cell- and tissue culture technologies. So learn more about Biotechnology with the help of this Interview Questions with Answers guide

1 ► Where do most allergic reactions occur?
2 ► Who are atopic individuals?
3 ► What is atopy?
4 ► Name some common allergens associated with type-I hypersensitivity?
5 ► What are allergens?
6 ► Which type of immunoglobulin level will increase when an individual is exposed to a parasite?
7 ► Do you know how the dose for children is being estimated based on preclinical data?
8 ► What is the definition of “Biomedical”? What topics cover the Study of Biomedical Sciences?
9 ► Is Phenoxyethanol harmful?
10 ► Why is buprenorphine less addictive than other opioids (like fentanyl) - is it explainable by its strength of binding to the common receptor, or?
11 ► How is the concentration of drugs in human plasma defined?
12 ► How is the calculation derived for a drug to be bioequivalent with other? On which base the limit is fixed as 80-120% for a drug to be bioequivalent. What is meant by 90% confidential interval?
13 ► When we do liquid extraction, what is the effect of adding 10%acid or any base and how do we know which has to be added and up to which concentration or micro liter level can we add such buffers? If any gel formation occurs at the time of extraction, how will it affect the analysis? Shall we continue the extraction with the same or should we drop that method?
14 ► What would an inhalation, ingestion exposure as well as to the eyes of Butane, Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether, Monoethanolamine (MEA), & Sodium Hydroxide do to the human body?
15 ► Tell us about some drugs that can cross the blood brain barrier?
16 ► Give an example for electrophilic substitution reaction?
17 ► Can muscular dystrophy people take clarithromycin 500mg by IV drip if they are allergic to erythromycin - cant find muscular dystrophy people in the clinical trials? Could it destroy the dystrophin gene and increase their CPK levels?
18 ► What is P-K reaction?
19 ► What are high affinity receptors?
20 ► What are low affinity receptors?
21 ► What are primary mediators?
22 ► What are secondary mediators?
23 ► Explain in brief about histamine?
24 ► How many types of histamine receptors are there and what are they?
25 ► What is the reaction-taking place when H2 receptor binds to mast cells and basophils?
26 ► Explain in brief about leukotrienes and prostaglandins?
27 ► Explain in brief about cytokines?
28 ► What is atopic dermatitis?
29 ► What is erythroblastosis fetalis?
30 ► What is a rhogam?
31 ► What is type I hypersensitivity?
32 ► What is type II hypersensitivity?
33 ► What is type III hypersensitivity?
34 ► What is type IV hypersensitivity?
35 ► What is serum sickness?
36 ► Give some symptoms of serum sickness?
37 ► Name some Infectious diseases?
38 ► Name some autoimmune diseases?
39 ► How many types of hypersensitive reactions are there?
40 ► What are the steps in bacterial infection?
41 ► What is the disease caused by Rotavirus?
42 ► What is the disease caused by Sabia virus?
43 ► What is the disease caused by Ebola virus?
44 ► What is the disease caused by Hepatitis C?
45 ► What is the disease caused by toxin producing strains of Staphylococcus aureus?
46 ► What is the disease caused by HIV?
47 ► What is the disease caused by Influenza A subtype H5N1?
48 ► What is the disease caused by Nipah virus and West Nile virus?
49 ► What is the disease caused by Hepatitis E?
50 ► What is the disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi?
51 ► What is the disease caused by Cryptosporidium parvum?
52 ► What is the disease caused by Hantavirus?
53 ► What is the disease caused by Helicobacter pylori?
54 ► What is the disease caused by Guanarito virus?
55 ► What is the disease caused by Encephalitozzon hellem?
56 ► What is the disease caused by Human T-lymphotrophic virus-I?
57 ► What is the disease caused by Escherichia coli 0157:H7?
58 ► What is the disease caused by Vibrio cholerae 0139?
59 ► What is the disease caused by Human T-lymphotrophic virus II?
60 ► What is the disease caused by Campylobacter jejuni?
61 ► What is the disease caused by Legionella pneumophilia?
62 ► What is the disease caused by Bartonella henselae?
63 ► What is the disease caused by Human herpes virus - 8?
64 ► What is the disease caused by TSE causing agents?
65 ► What is the disease caused by influenza A subtype H9N2?
66 ► What happens when gastrointestinal exposure occurs?
67 ► What happens when cutaneous exposure occurs?
68 ► How passive immunity is acquired?
69 ► How is active immunity acquired?
70 ► Normally at what age vaccination of children begins?
71 ► What is a toxoid?
72 ► Why purified macromolecules are used as vaccines?
73 ► Name some purified macromolecules derived from pathogens?
74 ► What is the full form of AIDS?
75 ► How AIDS is caused?
76 ► What is a retrovirus?
77 ► What is a provirus?
78 ► How HIV infection is mainly spread?
79 ► What is the treatment for HIV?
80 ► What does HIV results?
81 ► What does immunodeficiency results?
82 ► What does myeloid immunodeficiency cause?
83 ► What do most vaccines function as?
84 ► What are major successful vaccines?
85 ► What is the current treatment given to AIDS?
86 ► What does HAART do?
87 ► What is the first overt indication of AIDS?
88 ► How viral load can be measured?
89 ► What is an abzyme?
90 ► What is adoptive transfer?
91 ► What is an agglutinin?
92 ► What is agglutination?
93 ► What is an agretope?
94 ► What is antigenic drift?
95 ► What is apoptosis?
96 ► What is autograft?
97 ► What is antigenic competition?
98 ► What is bradykinin?
99 ► What is a bispecific antibody?
100 ► What is a booster?
101 ► What is BCG?
102 ► What is chronic lymphocytic leukemia?
103 ► What is an effector cell?
104 ► What is an effector response?
105 ► What is erythropoiesis?
106 ► What are interferons?
107 ► What is immuno adsorption?
108 ► What is immunofluorescence?
109 ► What is an immunotoxin?
110 ► What is immune complex?
111 ► What are intracellular pathogens?
112 ► What is isotope switching?
113 ► What are MHC molecules?
114 ► What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecules IgG, IgM and IgA?
115 ► What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule IgM?
116 ► What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule compliment activated by IgG or IgM?
117 ► What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule IFN ? secreted by TH or TC cell?
118 ► What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule cytotoxic T cells?
119 ► What is the target antigen for B cell lymphoma?
120 ► What is the target antigen for T cell leukemia?
121 ► What is the target antigen for anti idiotype tumor antigen?
122 ► What are exogenous antigens?
123 ► What is the target antigen for acute myeloblastic leukemia?
124 ► What is the target antigen for colon cancer?
125 ► What is the target antigen for breast and ovarian tumors?
126 ► What is the target antigen for neuroectodermal tumors?
127 ► What is the target antigen for breast cancer?
128 ► What is isograft?
129 ► What is allograft?
130 ► What is xenograft?
131 ► What is the self-antigen for good pastures syndrome?
132 ► What is the self-antigen for Addisons disease?
133 ► What is the self-antigen for perinicious anemia?
134 ► What is the self-antigen for graves disease?
135 ► What is the self-antigen for rheumatoid arthritis?
136 ► What is the self-antigen for scleroderma?
137 ► What is the self-antigen for myocardial infarction?
138 ► What is the self-antigen for insulin dependent diabetes mellitus?
139 ► What is the self-antigen for autoimmune haemolytic anemia?
140 ► What is a monoclonal antibody?
141 ► How monoclonal antibodies are produced?
142 ► What are polyclonal antibodies?
143 ► How are the polyclonal antibodies produced?
144 ► What is the natural toxin found in the endosperm of castor?
145 ► What is immunopurification?
146 ► Name the major types of interferons?
147 ► How Interferon a is produced?
148 ► How Interferon ß is produced?
149 ► What is interferon induced antiviral state?
150 ► What are endogenous antigens?
151 ► What is clonal selection?
152 ► What is naïve B cell?
153 ► What are altered self-cells?
154 ► What are immunoglobulin folds?
155 ► What is exotoxin?
156 ► What is the function CD4 antigen?
157 ► What is a thymocyte?
158 ► What is secreted immunoglobulin?
159 ► What is an alveolar macrophage?
160 ► What is clonal energy?

2012-04-03 02:50:43

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