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#1 2012-04-03 02:55:03

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

Java Message Service (JMS) Interview Questions And Answers

Java Programing :: Java Message Service (JMS) Job Interview Questions and Answers

Learn Java Message Service (JMS) by JMS interview questions and answers

1 ► What is JMS?
2 ► Must I place all my class files in the WEB-INF folder and all JSP's outside?
3 ► What type messaging is provided by JMS?
4 ► How may messaging models do JMS provide for and what are they?
5 ► What is the point-to-point model in JMS?
6 ► What are the advantages of JMS?
7 ► What is the publish-and-subscribe model in JMS?
8 ► What is JMS administered object?
9 ► What is publish/subscribe messaging?
10 ► Which models are supported by JMS? Please, explain them.
11 ► What are the different parts of a JMS message ?
12 ► What is the main parts of JMS applications?
13 ► What Is Messaging?
14 ► What is the Role of the JMS Provider?
15 ► What is the difference between Java Mail and JMS Queue?
16 ► Does JMS specification define transactions? Queue
17 ► What is synchronous messaging? Queue
18 ► What is asynchronous messaging? Queue
19 ► How does a typical client perform the communication? Queue
20 ► What is JMS session?
21 ► What is the use of JMS? In which situations we are using JMS? Can we send message from one server to another server using JMS?
22 ► What is the difference between durable and non-durable subscriptions?
23 ► What is the difference between Message producer and Message consumer?
24 ► What is JMS application ?
25 ► What type messaging is provided by JMS ?
26 ► How JMS is different from RPC?
27 ► What Is the JMS API?

2012-04-03 02:55:03

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