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#1 2018-02-16 02:16:24

Registered: 2017-09-21
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49+ Hybrid Application Developer Interview Questions And Answers

Web Development Hybrid Application Developer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Hybrid Application Developer related interview test questions and answers guide. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting race. Learn more about Hybrid Application Developer and get preparation for the new job interview

Explain advantages of PhoneGap?
Explain me what is a Hybrid Mobile App?
Explain me what are the storage option does PhoneGap can access?
How to detect a platform (Android or iOS) at runtime in Ionic application?
Tell me what are CDNs in jQuery? Why do we use it?
Tell me how does phoneGap simplifies mobile development?
How to test Ionic applications?
Can you list out some of the PhoneGap events?
Tell us why build native apps, when hybrid apps development frameworks are there?
Can you list out what features are available in PhoneGap cameraoptions?
Tell me what are the PhoneGap Features?
Explain me the iOS quirks for a compass heading object?
Tell us how do you persist data between application launches using Ionic framework?
Tell me what’s the difference between “ionic build” and “ionic prepare”?
Do you know the difference between AIR and PhoneGap?
Do you know what are the limitation of PhoneGap?
Explain phoneGap architecture?
Do you know how you can upgrade PhoneGap?
Tell me what is the advantage of caching the views in Ionic apps?
Tell me what is PhoneGap Build, and how is it different from PhoneGap framework?
Explain me what is PhoneGap Build, and how is it different from PhoneGap framework?
Tell me what is AIDL?
Do you know what is PhoneGap Cordova?
Tell me what is the difference between ChildBrowser and InAppBrowser in PhoneGap?
Do you know what is media.seekTo and media.getDuration function in OpenGap media API?
Tell me what does PhoneGap plugin consist of? What are the files required to create your own PhoneGap plugin for IOS?
Can you list out some of the PhoneGap API?
Explain me what is the difference between PhoneGap, Cordova, and Ionic?
Tell me what are some of the challenges for developers working in Android App development?
Explain me what are the most prominent advantages and disadvantages of building applications using the Ionic framework?
Explain me how do you pass data from one view to another in Ionic applications?
As you know performance of Ionic application is bad on older Android devices. Why is this, and what can be done to improve it?
How to access mobile phone native functionality in Ionic applications, for example the camera?
Tell us what is PhoneGap and why to use it?
Explain what is the difference between PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build?
Can you give some examples of Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks?
Name some PhoneGap events?
Tell me what are the platforms that PhoneGap supports?
Tell me what are Activities and Intents?
Do you know what is importance of XML based Layout?
Tell me what is the difference between PhoneGap and Cordova?
Tell me why we consider phonegap for mobile application development?
Do you know what is a Plist file in iOS development?
Tell me what are some of the disadvantages of building native apps?
How to upgrade PhoneGap?
How to architect PhoneGap applications?
Tell us what do you need to develop in PhoneGap?
Tell me in broad terms, how do you deploy an Ionic project onto a device?
How to render a 5000 item list in Ionic, without affecting scroll performance?

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2018-02-16 02:16:24

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