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#1 2012-03-21 08:15:11
Tips for what women should wear at her job interview
Dressing for a job interview is much harder as a woman than it is for a man. There are a wider selection of clothes and footwear than the standard shirt, tie, suit and black shoes that generally can't fail for men. Then there are the complications of make-up and accessories.
Here are a few simple tips to follow when dressing for interview:
Old Reliable. It's really important you feel comfortable at your interview, so it's usually best to go with a tried and tested outfit that buy something flashy and new that you'll spend two hours squirming in and fiddling with.
Don't rely on your mirror to decide to decide what you're wearing. Ask a friend - preferably another girl - if you look okay. Do the night before; if you leave it until the last minute you won't have time to change your outfit.
Beware of the cleavage. Granted, depending on what industry you're trying - and who your interviewer is - a bit of skin might get you noticed. But the chances are that it won't be in a good way! Always get a taller person to check how much you're exposing;' your v-neck jumper might not look low cut to you, but if you are greeted by a 6 foot - plus potential boss, beware : he might be getting quite an eyeful.
Beware the stilettos.Yes - they are sexy. But falling over on the slippery office floor isn't.
Less is more on the make-up & accessories. Too many of us confuse interviews with nights out. Mascara, SUBTLE foundation and a clear lip-gloss will usually suffice. Avoid bronzer if you possibly can - it'll look very different in 10am daylight to it's usually colour in a dingy club. And careful on the jewellery front - they won't want to hear you jangling before they see you and Accessorize aren't paying you to advertise for them.
2012-03-21 08:15:11
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Re: Tips for what women should wear at her job interview