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#1 2017-04-26 04:08:07

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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74+ Biomedical Engineer Interview Questions And Answers

Biological Sciences Biomedical Engineer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Biomedical Engineer interview preparation guide for freshers and experienced professionals. Explore these number of Biomedical engineer frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted from many job interviews

Explain me what is therapeutic cloning?
Tell me what are the wave patterns seen in an EEG scan?
Tell me what is DNA fingerprinting?
Explain what is Biomechanics?
Can you please explain the difference between introns and exons?
Tell me do you know what are the wave patterns seen in an EEG scan?
Do you know what is Medical Imaging?
Tell me what do you understand by MRI?
Tell me what is myoelectric control?
Tell me do you have any idea what kinds of jobs are available for BME graduates?
Tell me what you know about microarray?
Tell me what is gram staining method?
Explain what is therapeutic cloning?
Tell me do you know what are the most commonly used technologies in medical imaging?
Explain me will I need an advanced degree?
Explain me what is employment criteria in Biomedical Engineering?
Explain me what is MRI?
What is forbidden clones?
Do you know epilepsy?
Explain me why did you choose a career as a biomedical technician?
Tell me what is Bioinstrumentation?
Suppose if a double shift was required of you how would you handle that?
Tell me would you like to advance your career in any other technical fields?
Tell us do you know about BMI?
Explain what Is Myoelectric Control?
Explain me about your attendance and punctuality?
Explain me about your experiences at your previous hospital? What equipment did you work on the most?
Tell me what is superiority of TLC over paper chromatography?
Please explain what Is Therapeutic Cloning?
Tell me what are immunoglobulins? Explain its structure?
Explain do you know what is myoelectric control?
Tell us what is Clinical Engineering in Biomedical Engineering?
Explain me what do you do to remain enthusiastic about your career as a Biomedical Technician?
Explain me do you know what is materials requirement planning?
n this position you’ll often be expected to repair sophisticated medical equipment under time pressure. How are you at managing your time while working?
Tell me out of all the medical equipment you've worked on, which challenges you the most?
Explain me do you know what are some important advances made by Biomedical Engineers?
Explain what is Biomaterials?
Tell me do you think is BME a good path toward a career in medicine and dentistry?
Tell us performing work in a timely manner is very important for hospitals, and our services. Tell me about your time management skills?
Tell me how would you handle a situation that required you to fix two pieces of equipment at the same time?
Breakdowns can happen at any time, even after your scheduled shift. Are you available to work on call after hours and on weekends?
Tell me what is method of perfusion. State some of its drawbacks?
Tell me the mechanism of ELISA. What are its uses?
Explain me what you know about Biomedical Engineering professions receptive to women?
Explain me about a situation when it was important for you to pay attention to details. How did you handle it?
Explain me is it a good reason to skip an inspection on a machine?
Sometimes staff members benefit from learning about the makeup of a piece of medical equipment. Are you comfortable explaining how a machine works to other employees?
Do you know what is microarrays. How are they related to DNA?
Tell me do you know what is Biomedical Engineering?
Tell me is biomedical engineering really ‘engineering’ or is it better to study mechanical, electrical or chemical engineering?
Tell me are you at the point in your career where you are ready to write a manual for all newcomers to the field?
As you know there has been a lot of talk about advancements in technology. Are you worried that remote diagnostics will replace your job?
We frequently bring in new equipment to replace older models. Did you ever encounter an instance where you had to learn about a new piece of machinery that you had never encountered before?
Explain me what is Systems Physiology?
Tell me do you know what careers are open to BME graduates do after they complete their degree?
Tell me do you hold, or are working towards, any certifications for a specific piece of equipment?
Tell me working on million dollar equipment can be stressful, how have you prepared to handle this?
Tell me what equipment did you specialize in during your training?
Tell me do you know what is flow control in Biomedical Engineering?
Tell me what you know DNA fingerprinting?
Explain me what is Alzheimer's disease?
Tell me what is isotopic tracer technique?
Is there one type of equipment that you feel you are the most efficient at repairing?
Tell me the technique of gene conversion?
Do you know what is the principle behind DNA fingerprinting?
Explain what is Biomedical Engineering?
Explain what is Alzheimer’s disease?
Tell me do you know what Biomedical Engineers actually do?
Tell me what is Rehabilitation Engineering?
Explain me what you know about the popularity of BME a passing fad?
Tell me what is the riskiest decision you have made? Tell me about the situation and the outcome?
Explain what are your long term career goals as a Biomedical Technician?
Tell me what piece of equipment do you find most challenging to repair?

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2017-04-26 04:08:07

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