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#1 2017-05-05 06:05:38

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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79+ Nuclear Chemist Interview Questions And Answers

Chemistry Nuclear Chemist Job Interview Questions and Answers

Nuclear Chemist job interview preparation guide for freshers, professionals and experienced candidates. Explore list of Nuclear Chemist frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted from many real job interviews

Tell me what is titration?
Tell me what is the special property it has?
Explain azimuthal Quantum Number?
Tell me what is plutonium? Does it occur naturally?
What is hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity?
Tell me what makes a molecule into organic molecule?
Do you know the term Aliquot and Diluent?
Tell me what is plutonium? Is it a metal like uranium?
Tell us was Chernobyl as bad as it could get?
Tell me what is Avogadro’s law?
Tell me the formula to calculate pH of a solution?
Tell me how can plutonium harm you?
Tell me what is buffer?
What is closed system?
Do you know what is Valency?
Tell me do you think most people trust the DOE nuclear physicists, the utilities?
Please explain why graphite rod is used in nuclear reactor?
Tell us what is molality?
Explain pauli Exclusion Principle?
Tell me what is the basic material or fuel that makes nuclear energy possible?
Tell us what is the monomer of polyethene?
Explain me what is dextro-rotatory and levo-rotatory?
Tell me what is a half-life of plutonium?
What is uranium, and where does it come from?
Do you know what is the metal used to extract copper from the solution of copper sulphate?
What is principal Quantum Number?
Tell me what is range and specific ionisation of the emitted particles?
Explain me was Chernobyl a serious accident?
Tell me how is the isotopic form unsuitable for weapons?
Explain me what is oxidation and reduction reaction?
Please explain what is the difference between fractionation and distillation?
Explain heinsenberg’s uncertainty principle?
Explain me radioactivity? Explain α, β and γ rays?
Explain different rules used for filling of orbitals in atoms?
Tell me how many millilitre is equal to 1 litre and how many microliter is equal to litre?
Explain us through the principal ways this energy's been harnessed, both in bomb making and in a controlled reaction?
Tell me do you think basically the safety record for nuclear power plants is good or bad?
Tell me is it fair to compare American reactors to the one at Chernobyl?
Explain me what is the nature of radiation? Is it that people have no way to experience it?
As you know most of the uranium that you get out of the ground doesn't have this magic fission property?
Tell me what happens after a reactor's run for 18 months, with these uranium pellets? What are you left with?
Explain me what is the formula you will use to calculate how many millilitres of 5.5 M NaOH are required to prepare 400 mL of 1.5M NaOH?
Tell me how buffer works?
Explain me what are tracers? Explain how Thyroidisis and Brain Tumour Location can be detected with the help of tracer I131.?
Tell me the use of radioisotopes in agriculture?
Do you know how to calculate how many moles of glucose present in 320 mL of 5.0 M of glucose solution?
Explain a short note on Gibbs Free Energy and derive the equation for the same?
Explain state the third law of thermodynamics. Give its limitations and importance?
Explain the nuclides based on the number of protons and neutrons of the nuclei?
Tell me the general characteristics of radioactive decay?
Explain me the relation between heat of reaction at constant pressure and that at constant volume?
What is open system?
Explain thyroidisis?
Explain isomers?
Explain α rays?
Explain physical and chemical changes?
What is brain Tumour Location?
What are isotones?
Explain β rays?
Do you know what are isobars?
Do you know what is C14 dating?
Tell me what is Nuclear Chemistry?
Tell me what are isotopes?
Explain nature of path?
What is isolated system?
Tell me quantum numbers and the different types of quantum numbers present?
What is spin Quantum Number?
Explain me what is mole?
Do you know what is the chemical composition of fat in human body?
Do you know what is iron ore consists of?
Tell me is the skin on your hand is enough to shield yourself from plutonium's radiation?
Tell me can a nuclear plant explode like a nuclear bomb?
Tell me where does most natural radiation come from?
Tell me what is the key product created from uranium?
Explain magnetic Quantum Number?
What is aufbau Principle?
Do you know the laws of Thermodynamics?
What is loss of mass?
Explain γ rays?

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2017-05-05 06:05:38

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