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#1 2017-05-15 05:13:50

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

110+ Cable Operator Interview Questions And Answers

Community Cable Operator Job Interview Questions and Answers

Cable Operator related interview test questions and answers guide. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting race. Learn more about Cable Operator and get preparation for the new job interview

What do you think we could do better or differently as Cable Operator?
What other companies are you interviewing with as Cable Operator?
Why should we hire you as Cable Operator?
Tell us what's a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work?
Please explain us what do you like to do outside of work?
Tell us what's a time you exercised leadership?
What do you consider to be your weaknesses as Cable Operator?
Please explain what type of work environment do you prefer?
Do you know what is IP address?
Tell me how do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
What do you mean by redundancy?
Where do you see yourself in five years in this field?
Tell me what's your management style?
Tell us what would your first 30, 60, or 90 days look like in this role?
Tell me what is Beaconing?
Do you know what is MAC address?
What are your salary requirements as Cable Operator?
Tell me what is Asynchronous mode of data transmission?
Explain me what is difference between ARP and RARP?
Explain me what three character traits would your friends use to describe you?
Tell me what are the important topologies for networks?
What do you mean by client server model?
Explain me how many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?
What is a gateway or Router?
What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP)?
Tell me what is packet filter?
Explain what are major types of networks?
What are the duties of data link layer?
Tell me what do you mean by network control protocol?
Explain the factors that affect the performance of the network?
Tell me what is TELNET?
What is STAR topology?
Explain me what do you mean by CSMA?
What is your greatest professional achievement as Cable Operator?
Tell me what's your dream job?
Why was there a gap in your employment as Cable Operator?
Please explain if you were an animal, which one would you want to be?
Which layers are user support layers?
What are the protocols in transport layer?
Do you know what is traffic shaping?
Tell me what is mesh network?
Do you know what is Protocol?
Explain me what is RIP (Routing Information Protocol)?
Please explain why are you leaving your current job?
You’ve just been assigned to a project involving a new technology. How would you get started?
What is Piggy Backing?
What is stop and wait ARQ?
What is World Wide Web?
Tell me what is Kerberos?
What is RING topology?
Tell me what is RAID?
Compare Error Detection and Error Correction:
What is hamming code?
What are the different types of multiplexing?
Tell me what is sampling?
What is a Link?
Can you tell me about a recent project or process that you made better, faster, smarter or more efficient?
What is a node?
Tell me what is Bandwidth?
What is parity check?
What are the protocols in application layer?
Tell me what is the minimum and maximum length of the header in the TCP segment and IP datagram?
Tell me what is passive topology?
Tell me what is NETBIOS and NETBEUI?
Tell me the steps involved in creating the checksum?
What are the different transmission media?
Which layers are network support layers?
Tell me how do you keep your technology skills current?
How did you hear about the position as Cable Operator?
What are the advantages of Distributed Processing?
Tell me what is multicast routing?
Tell me the factors that affect the reliability of the network?
Explain me what is difference between baseband and broadband transmission?
What is Bridges?
What are the types of errors?
Tell me what are the two types of transmission technology available?
Tell me the layers of OSI?
Explain me can you tell me about a time when things didn’t go the way you wanted at work, such as a project that failed or being passed over for a promotion?
Tell us what technology-related blogs, podcasts, tweets or websites do you follow? Do you share any information yourself online?
What do you know about the company and this job?
When a switch is said to be congested?
What do you mean by ALOHA?
What is cyclic redundancy check (CRC)?
Explain me what is Synchronous mode of data transmission?
Do you know what is Pipelining?
Do you know what is Network?
Please explain how would your boss and co-workers describe you?
Explain what are you looking for in a new position?
What are your greatest professional strengths as Cable Operator?
Explain differentiate between GSM and CDMA?
Tell me what is FDM?
What is Firewalls?
Tell me what is WDM?
Do you know what is ICMP?
Tell me what is TDM?
Tell me what do you mean by Bluetooth?
What is simplex?
Do you know what is subnet?
What is full duplex?
What is multiplexing?
What is half-duplex?
What is Round Trip Time?
Tell us what are your favorite and least favorite technology products, and why?
Are you planning on having children?
Can you explain why you changed career paths as Cable Operator?
Why were you fired from you job?
Please explain about a challenge or conflict you've faced at work, and how you dealt with it?
What is Repeaters?
Why do you want this job as Cable Operator?
Tell us a little about yourself?

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2017-05-15 05:13:50

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