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#1 2017-05-21 07:23:08

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

71+ Community Manager Interview Questions And Answers

Community Community Manager Job Interview Questions and Answers

Community Manager interview preparation guide for freshers and experienced professionals. Explore these number of Community Manager frequently asked questions(FAQs) extracted from many job interviews

Tell us how do you define a community?
Do you know how many hours does a Community Manager work?
Tell me how did you get that awesome job?
Please explain how do you define an online community?
Explain me what do you see as the point of social media for businesses today?
Tell me what do you think makes a strong community?
Explain how are your presentation skills? How do you prepare for presentations?
Explain me what do you know about our development? Our community?
Tell me how do you deal with trolls?
Tell me what are your strengths as Community Manager?
Tell me how do you deal with difficult people? Can you give us a specific example?
Tell me how does social media marketing fit into the overall digital marketing mix?
Explain me what are your weaknesses as Community Manager?
Explain me how do you spend most of your time?
Tell me are you an organized person?
Tell me what’s your top tip for growing your community?
Tell us what bookkeeping experience do you have?
Tell me how do you decide which social platforms to invest the most time in?
Tell me how do you handle complaints from property owners or tenants?
Explain how would your strategy differ when managing our social media outposts and our branded community?
Tell me a little bit about your computer skills?
Tell me why did you choose to pursue a career as a community association manager?
Tell me what tools do you use for posting, tracking and measuring social media?
Tell me what is your process for hiring maintenance work? What do you look for in a company, cheapest price or higher rated service?
Tell me what are some common complaints you have received from property owners or tenants?
Tell me what are some common HOA laws? Have you read through our HOA laws, if so, what did you think of them?
Explain about a time when you were able to overcome an obstacle in a creative manner?
Please explain about a time that you had to advocate on behalf of someone else?
Explain me what made you choose Community Management as a career? And why are you interested in working for us?
Tell us which online communities have you managed in the past and what were your responsibilities?
Tell me who is a typical member of our community, and what do you think is important to them?
I like what I am hearing but I have got a ton of great candidates. Why should we hire you?
Tell us how do you deal with difficult people, arguments in your community, or legal/security risks?
Let’s say you notice a spike — or drop — in social activity on network. What are your next steps?
Tell us what are the first 3 things you do to start your morning as a social media manager?
Explain me how often and how quickly do you respond to comments? How do you deal with negative comments?
Explain me what did you set out to achieve when managing these communities, and did you succeed?
Explain me how would you announce a new feature, initiative or respond to problematic users of the website?
Explain me have you ever represented a brand in forums, social media, or a blog rather than your own voice? Tell me about that experience?
Tell me what’s the biggest lesson you learned from your previous job? (or tell us about a time you’ve failed)?
Tell us what experience do you have when it comes to discussing our recently posted COMMUNITY MANAGER position?
Explain what challenges do you have staying connected with other departments or with your clients?
Explain about a time you handled a member/customer who was difficult, impatient, or upset?
Best Top Community Manager Job Interview Questions:
Top 21 Community Manager Job Interview Questions:
Top 10 Basic Community Manager Job Interview Questions:
General Community Manager Job Interview Questions:
Tell me have you ever had to deal with a major problem in your community before? Example, sewage back up, major power outage, etc? How did you handle it?
What skills would you like to develop in this job?
Tell me how does your approach change when managing different social media platforms?
Tell us in what way are you a community person?
Tell me what Does the Role of Online Community Manager Entail?
Suppose i don’t expect you to go into too much detail – but why are you leaving your last job?
Tell me what do you see yourself doing in five years as Community Manager?
Explain me how would you build and foster a community?
Explain me what tool do you recommend we build our community/new feature on?
Tell me which online communities are you a member of?
Explain an example of a time that you had to mediate a crisis for your business?
Tell me a bit about your morning routine?
Tell us what metrics do you track, and why? How will you communicate these to management?
Tell me how do you track success in community management?
Tell me what are your salary expectations as Community Manager?
I am curious, how did you come to find out about our company and what do you know about us?
Explain me as a community manager, what is your management style?
Explain me what Are the Characteristics of an Effective Online Community Manager?
Explain how do you define a community?
Explain me what communities are you a member of?
Explain me what initiatives would you take to increase engagement/retention/growth in our community?
Tell me what kind of events cause you stress on the job?
Tell me when have you had a problem with a homeowner or tenant before? How did you handle the situation?
Explain me an example of a time when you had to be relatively quick in coming to a decision?

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2017-05-21 07:23:08

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