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#1 2017-07-18 05:54:43

From: Capital
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60+ 3D Modeling Interview Questions And Answers

Designing 3D Modeling Job Interview Questions and Answers

3D Modeling based job interviews test questions and answers list. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting stack. Learn about 3D Modeling and get preparation for your new job interview

Tell me what are the uses of Autocad?
Tell me what is the use of variant in Autocad?
Do you know what are grips?
Tell me what are the steps that enable the drag and drop feature in Autocad?
Tell us what is the file formats used in design?
Tell me how you can copy a closed drawing?
Tell me what are the fields where you see maximum use of Autocad?
Explain how you can create a user interface in Autocad?
Tell us what are the features corrected by Autocad?
Tell me how can you make a spring, spiral or screw thread?
Tell me how to set up a default drawing directory?
Do you know what is the function of vertical integration?
Tell me what’s One Thing You’re Really Proud Of And Why?
Tell me how can you remove the empty layers from drawing?
The extrude tool will extrude a 2-dimensional shape even if the corners are not closed.  A.    True  B.    False
Tell us how you can open a drawing file that was created with the automatic save features?
A cylinder can be created by drawing a rectangular shape then the ________ tool.  A.    Revolve  B.    Sweep  C.    Extrude  D.    none of the above
Drafters using AutoCAD version 2007 and newer will want to use the workspace called 3D Modeling to create 3D models.  A.    True  B.    False
Tell me in Autocad, what is the command that is used to rotate the grid at 45 degress?
Explain me how you assign the keyboard characters or function keys to Autocad commands?
Tell us about Someone You Admire And Why You Do?
Tell us what will you do when command prompts appear on the command line instead of ASE dialog box and plot dialog box?
In order to create one solid model from two or more separate solid shapes the drafter will need to position them and then ________.  A.    use Union to join them  B.    use the Join command  C.    use the Add Parts tool  D.    none of the above
UCS stands for Universal CAD Standards.  A.    True  B.    False
A useful method for using the grid is to set it to Display Grid Beyond Limits.  A.    True  B.    False
Situational 3d modeling entry interview questions:
Competency Based 3d modeling entry interview questions:
Behavioral 3d modeling entry interview questions:
Communication skills based 3d modeling entry interview questions:
The default position of the UCS icon is positioned at ________ on the AutoCAD grid.  A.    0,0,0  B.    10,10,10  C.    20,20,20  D.    None of the above
Video based 3d modeling entry interview questions:
Phone based 3d modeling entry interview questions:
Strengths and Weaknesses based 3d modeling entry interview questions:
Basic 3d modeling entry job interview questions:
Explain me what you are supposed to do when “Enter Attributes” dialogue doesn’t display?
Tell us what is the process of copying the dimension styles from one drawing to another in Autocad?
Explain Me If You Ran Your Own Company, What Kinds Of People Would You Hire And Why?
Explain About A Colleague You Really Got Along With And Why You Think You Did?
The union command only works on 2-dimensional objects.  A.    True  B.    False
The 3-D commands on the Modeling toolbar include ________.  A.    box  B.    sphere  C.    extrude  D.    all of the above
The 3-dimensional rotate tool is located on the 3-D View tool bar.  A.    True  B.    False
The Conceptual Visual Style tool is located on the ________ toolbar.  A.    Visual Styles  B.    Modify  C.    3-D Modeling  D.    All of the above
The Free Orbit tool is found on the ____ toolbar.  A.    rotate  B.    move  C.    modify  D.    3-D Move
Tell us what is the process to draw a line more than one time and save it automatically?
Explain me About A Day When Everything Went Wrong?
The View toolbar will position the view of the 3-D solid toward the ________.  A.    front  B.    left side  C.    SE isometric  D.    all of the above
The MASSPROP shortcut will provide the following information.  A.    mass  B.    volume  C.    bounding box  D.    all of the above
To create a hole through a 3-dimensional box the drafter can place a 3-dimensional cylinder into the box and subtract it.  A.    True  B.    False
Complex 3-dimensional shapes can be made by combining different 3-D shapes with the union tool.  A.    True  B.    False
Tell me what Bothers You Most About Other People?
Tell us why Autocad WS is more popular among mobile users?
Tell me in what situation command prompt appears instead of a dialog boxes?
CAD programs which incorporate parametric modeling utilize a system in which the dimensions control the ________.  A.    size and shape of the model features  B.    perspective of the model  C.    shading used to render the model  D.    all of the above
In 2-dimensional drafting we work on the X and Y axis. By adding the Z axis drafters can develop 3-dimensional models.  A.    True  B.    False
AutoCAD is typical of parametric modeling programs.  A.    True  B.    False
The Press-Pull tool will ________ the face of a solid model in the direction it faces.  A.    taper  B.    extrude  C.    spiral  D.    none of the above
Tell me how you can hide the specific layers when plotting in Autocad?
Explain me what are the benefits of using Autocad?
Do you know what is Autocad?
Tell Me What’s Something That You Can Teach Me?

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2017-07-18 05:54:43

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