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#1 2017-08-03 06:36:28
Windows 2000 Server Quiz Question.
Servers (Computing) Quizzes Windows 2000 Server
You are a network administrator for your company. The company is currently configuring its branch offices with a Windows 2000 Server computer at each office. Each branch office has a technical-support department but not a network administrator. You want to configure the remote Windows 2000 Server computers so that whenever a new Microsoft driver becomes available, the branch offices are notified automaticaly when the administrator logs onto the server. What should you do?
Option A):
Install the Windows 2000 Resource Kit
Option B):
Configure system file checker to notify the branch offices
Option C):
Configure Windows file protection to notify the branch offices
Option D):
Install Windows critical update notification
Correct Answer is Option D):
Install Windows critical update notification
2017-08-03 06:36:28
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