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#1 2017-08-03 06:43:04
Windows 2000 Server Quiz Question.
Servers (Computing) Quizzes Windows 2000 Server
A Windows 2000 Server computer named server2 runs numerous 32bit applications and two 16bit applications. Users start the 16bit applications by running APP1.EXE for one application and APP2.EXE for another application. The 16bit applications are configured to run in the separate memory space. You want to create a performance base like chart in the system monitor for all the applications on server2. You add all of 32bit applications and now you want to add two 16bit applications. What should you do?
Option A):
Add the NTVDM, APP1 and APP2 instances for the processor time counter for the process object
Option B):
Add only the NTVDM instance for the percent processor time counter for the process object
Option C):
Add the NTVDM 1 and NTVDM #2 instances for processor time counter for the process object
Option D):
Add the APP1 and APP2 instances to the processor time counter for the process object
Correct Answer is Option C):
Add the NTVDM 1 and NTVDM #2 instances for processor time counter for the process object
2017-08-03 06:43:04
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