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#1 2015-03-27 05:17:00

From: Chichawatni
Registered: 2014-10-13
Posts: 8,355

Job Interview Preparation Tips

Job Interview Preparation Tips

Each of us have experienced this question sometime or the other in our lives – how to prepare for a job interview?
Whether we are novices or even experienced employees, there come this particular job opportunity, and therefore an interview, that is quite different and lucrative than other job offers.

For that reason, make sure you are ready and well prepared for the interview.

How should you dress for the Interview:
ake sure that your attire is proper for the said job interview.
A job interview, be it in any vertical or industry, should always be attended in full formals. It is a misconception that media houses and some other companies are ‘OK’ with people appearing for job interviews in semi formals or even casuals. A job interview is a short amount of time which you spend with a complete stranger, which in turn decides an important aspect of your life.
Therefore, make sure that you look your very best and are presentable. To be more presentable, make sure that you wear light colors. Avoid black color because the color black is connected to mourning in many regions.

Check you Body-Language:
our body language plays an important role in the interview.
An experienced interviewer will always see how you react and move in the presence of others as well as in privacy. Make sure that your body language is not too rigid, or too fluid. One important point to remember is that waving hands while talking is considered rude in quite a few corporate circles, so desist from doing so.
Therefore, make sure that your eyes are not wavering all over the room and are not poring into your interviewer’s too.
Try to look at things and notice them without making it to evident that you are.

Be Ready for the Questions:
ny interview is basically a bouquet of questions that are asked to you.
You have to ensure that you answer each of the questions to the best of your ability, and present your confidence to the interviewer. Therefore, be ready for any type of question, some that you may like to answer, and some that you may not be comfortable while answering.

How to Get Prepared:
ake it a point to go through this website or some of the other websites that deal with job interviews.
You will get a basic idea of the type of questions that will be asked. Once this is cleared, you can be of the opinion that you are indeed well prepared.
Along with this, you will also be asked general questions about your future plans and your current ambitions.

Be ready to ask your own questions:
ou may also ask the interviewer your own set of questions.
As an interviewee, the questions at a job interview may vary from the job application process, your future prospects, the job profile to the salary or any other conditions.

Be ready for the unexpected/possible questions:
he interviewer may ask you some tough interview questions regarding – your previous job, right from your job profile, your responsibilities, till why you did leave the job. Make sure that there is no negativity in your answers, and that there is no room for any discrepancy in the answers that you have provided and the facts.

Also, make sure that your attire is not too flashy and does not become the star of the interview, instead of you becoming one. Wear clothes that do not attract too much attention to them, but instead accentuate the lifestyle and attitude that is you.

Failure is the first step towards seccess.

2015-03-27 05:17:00

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