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#1 2015-03-27 05:32:53

From: Chichawatni
Registered: 2014-10-13
Posts: 8,355

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

How to Face an Interview? – Tips and Techniques

You may have several interviews that will be a learning experience for you. Job interviews are interesting experiences. The more interviews you make, the more it may help keep you calm and prepare yourself effectively.
Thought of in this way, you can look forward to the interview, and accept it as a growth experience. If it results in a job offer, wonderful. But if not, there is still some gain. One should consider that a job interview is just like doing many other things in life – Though the time, place and concept differ, the basic premise of the interview is the same – The lessons learned become part of your education, and can benefit your personal growth.

ne of the first questions that many applicants cannot answer is: What do you know about this company and the position for which you are applying?
The best way to answer this question is to actually do some research on the said company.
This not only prepares you for the interview, but it also helps you come across as intelligent, well experienced and knowledgeable with reference to your profession. In the research process, it is possible that you actually may come across some information that might cause YOU to re-think your desire to join the company. Research will definitely help you have a more successful interview.

What Do You Offer:
ontemplate this question before the interview, because this is a basic, important idea – Why are you a good fit for the job? This question may be asked directly during the interview.
Make sure you read the job description carefully and can list a few reasons – three or four should do the job. When asked, give a brief run-through idea of your understanding of the job, your areas of expertise, knowledge and skills gained and how they are utilized in the job and in this corporate environment.
This will give the interviewer a basic idea of your understanding of the profession as well as the job profile, combined with information about the key responsibilities of the said job.

Cross Questions:
o interview is over without cross questioning.
In fact, the process of your asking any questions about the company only further prove how experienced you are in your line of profession. Also, it is important that you ask questions, because this is one of the best opportunities you will ever have to find out information about the company.
Ask about the past, present and future of the company and your position; include as much detail as possible. Your questions will prove your interest and will demonstrate that you are a serious applicant. The responses will provide information allowing you to surmise the future prospects of the company, and therefore, yourself.

Proper Preparation:
hether you are looking for your first job or your seventh, and regardless of your initial impression of the job opportunity, prepare thoroughly.
A proper, serious preparation, combined with good interview techniques will ensure that the interviewer will regard you not only as a strong candidate but also as an intelligent performer.

Failure is the first step towards seccess.

2015-03-27 05:32:53

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