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#1 2015-03-27 06:04:20

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

Best Ways to Avoid Getting Fired from your Job

Best Ways To Avoid Getting Fired From Your Job

Pay Attention To Your Performance:
It is absolutely critical that you are at least meeting your goals right now. To avoid getting fired, step it up a notch and exceed your goals. Performance is the ultimate reason for a company to keep an employee. Make your achievements known when possible without obvious self-promotion. Occasionally note what you’ve accomplished in conversations with your boss or in emails. If you can quantify your achievements, that is considerably more powerful.

Do Not Hide:
Make yourself known, converse with your boss, know what he or she is looking for in the short-term. Remember, in tough economic times your manager is also concerned about his or her employment status. When you know your boss’s goals you can help to fine-tune your own performance to help them with their performance. Also, the better the boss knows you the harder it is to fire you. Do not fool yourself into thinking you can fly under the radar.

Be Aware Of Your Behavior:
If you have had any prior issues related to inappropriate workplace behavior (actual or perceived) be sure to avoid repeating the behavior at all costs. People get fired more often for their social interactions in the workplace than performance-related issues. If you exhibit both issues, a struggling company will not tolerate you.
For example, today it may be difficult for those in sales jobs to meet their quotas. Which underachiever on the sales team do you think will be fired first? The favorite employee who has not met his goals or the salesperson who has not met goals and has social problems with coworkers and management? It is an easy choice.

Put In Your Time:
Get to work on time (early is even better) and do not be the first one out the door. This is one way to display your dedication to your job. No one wants to fire an employee who shows effort and concern over their job. Putting in extra time is a great way to display your desire to keep and excel at your job.

Be Flexible:
This is not the time to have the “not my job” attitude. Not your job? Well, how about no job then? Be cooperative and do what the company asks of you. Avoid getting fired now and leave when you do find the job you want. You also have the opportunity to wait until the company is more stable and then state your career desires if you’ve positioned yourself well. You should also understand that sometimes being flexible leads to new opportunities that help you advance in your career.

Most Important Single Best Way:
Probably the single most important factor to avoid getting fired from your job is to get along with your boss and co-workers, and the best way to do that is to keep your personal business out of the office and stay out of everyone else’s business. That’s always easier said than done, but it’s a lesson you’ll have to learn sooner or later.
Have friends and family send text messages only to your cell phone during work hours, and keep your phone ringer silenced. If you are having a bad day, text a friend who doesn’t work in your office, and keep your cool at work.
You must learn to avoid gossip at work and be friendly without being friends. You can build a few trusted friendships over time at work, but move slowly. At the same time, you can’t appear too aloof and disinterested in others. If you don’t know how to do that, find someone who models this behavior well and emulate them.

Last edited by alisiddiqui (2015-03-31 11:42:46)

2015-03-27 06:04:20

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