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#1 2015-03-27 06:44:43

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

Four main Stages of an Interview Process

Four Main Stages Of An Interview Process

Initial Interview Face To Face:
At his stage, the recruiter will review your resume and gauge whether you fit the requirements of the company. Be prepared to discuss your background, education and experience, you will be required to provide and detail relevant information about your professional past. A time that is mutually acceptable by both parties may be set for the next stage.

Second Job Interview:
If you have received a call for the second interview, you have a very good chance of receiving a job offer. This meeting is a very important part of the interview process. This second interview involves meeting your prospective superiors and possibly other employees. The department head or the individual in the company to whom you will be responsible, will further investigate the depth and breadth of your professional skills and determine whether you are the right applicant for the position in question.
You may be interviewed by your prospective team mates as well. Referred to as a team interview, these employees will try to get a feel for your personality as well as skills, to determine how well you will fit in professionally and socially.

HR Interview & Salary Negotiations:
Upon reaching this stage, you are almost employed with the company, barring some aspects that need to be defined, most importantly, your compensation. This will typically be a joint interview with members of the Human Resources Department as well as the Accounting Department. Individuals from these departments will inform you of rules and regulations that must be adhered to by all employees. You will also be informed of any documentation required for you to join the company. Important part of the purpose of this third interview is bargaining, the company informs you of their intent to hire you and the compensation they wish to offer. This is your opportunity to negotiate your salary and other job conditions. Many employees have utilized this opportunity to secure better terms, use it wisely.
There may be several additional interactions before the fourth interview to confirm documentation and finalize the financial arrangements.

Getting The Job Offer:
The fourth interview is normally the final one. Your department head will confirm the job offer and obtain a verbal or written commitment from you, specify job responsibilities and a starting date. At this time, the human resource department or the Accounts Department will provide you with an offer letter or appointment letter, finalizing your new position.

Last edited by alisiddiqui (2015-03-31 11:38:28)

2015-03-27 06:44:43

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Re: Four main Stages of an Interview Process


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