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#1 2015-04-15 05:50:37

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Describe Your Personality In An Interview?

Tips For Describing Your Personality In A Job Interview

An Overview:

Job interviews not just has questions related to the talent and professional experience of a person, but has several other queries that would be asked to find out more about the candidates attribute and also to find out whether they are a good fit for the kind of work that they suppose to be doing, the company’s work culture and the type of people who are working in the said company. Therefore, many interviewers like to ask people about their personalities and what they think they are good at.
The question can be asked in different ways, like: ‘please describe your personality in 5 words.’ Or ‘how would you describe your own personality?’ Or ‘describe your character’.

Tips To Describe Your Personality

If you are ever asked about your personality, keep these tips in mind and you will be giving the right answers.

Positives First:

If you are asked to describe your personality, make sure that you first put across the positive traits that you have. These positive traits can be the moralistic ones like honesty, selflessness and others, or they can also be professional and performance based, like being a dynamic go getter, quick learner, responsive, insightful, taking responsibility, motivated, initiates and punctual.
It would be wise to mention traits (or buzz words) that are important for the job that one applies for. For example:
☛ Sales and marketing positions usually require the following personality traits among others: Excellent Communicator, Negotiator, Enthusiastic, Persuasive, Outgoing, Adaptability, Cooperative and Goal driven.
☛ People applying to customer service and help desk positions require having: Interpersonal communication skills – verbal and written, listener, Decision Maker, Effective and Learning-agility.
☛ For accounting and banking positions: Detail oriented, Precise, Methodical, Organized, Rational and Integrity.
☛ Managers and leaders may require having: Adjustment, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience, General Self-Efficacy, Organizing, Teaching and Coaching Subordinates and Motivating Others.

Commit To Negatives:

The interviewer can ask you – what would you change about yourself? No man is an island, and nobody has all positive or all negative traits. We have negative as well as positive traits in us, and it is our responsibility to recognize both and not try to hide them, but instead acknowledge for solving them. Any company would like an honest employee, and if you are honest enough to speak about your negative traits, it will only be more of a successful story for you.
For example, here are some characteristics that can be solved if recognized and are most commonly associated with people who work together: Undisciplined, Emotional, Opinionated, Reacting, Judgmental and Picky.
These are the two important aspects that you should keep in mind if you are asked – ‘how do you describe your personality’.


Also, you should keep in mind that telling about your true personality – the positives as well as the negatives ones will put you in a good light in the eyes of the people who are supposed to hire you.

2015-04-15 05:50:37

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