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#1 2015-04-18 06:11:48

Registered: 2015-02-23
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Job Interview Skills and Techniques

Vast Tips For Job Interview Skills And Techniques

In Brief:

With the correct preparations and a practice of your interviewing skills, you can learn to excel and perform well at a job interview. Effective interview performance is a learned process and not a born skill – You can teach yourself what/how to say (and what not to say) an how to behave in an interview.
This article gives you basic techniques to improve your interview skills:
✓ Knowing the type of interview questions
✓ Interview practicing techniques

Effective Interview Skills/Techniques & Learn The Interviewer's Mind

What do they really want to know? If you understand the mind of the interviewers, you are on the right track. Once you know their needs, your prep process becomes effective.
Actually, it is very strait forward – Interviewers will want to learn three things about you as a candidate:
1) Can you do the job?
2) Will you fit into the team/organization culture?
3) How motivated are you?
Most, if not all, their interview questions are sorted into the above three key categories. Therefore, plan your preparation around these three issues:

Can you do the job?

The interviewer will try to make sure you have “the 3 required ingredients” – The skills, experience and qualifications for the said job. Many job interview questions are designed to evaluate your potential to perform well in the job. The employer will try to get an idea of your qualities compare to other candidates and the added values you bring to the job.

Will You Fit Into The Team/Organization Culture?

The interviewer will want to know if you are you the sort of person they like to work with? The employer will ask in/direct questions in order to get an idea about your personality. They will carefully observe you behavior/reaction during the interview to get to know you better.

How Motivated Are You?

In other words, What is your energy levels? What drive you bring to the position? Employers know that motivated people are assets.
As known, you do not have to be a “genius” to perform great – In most cases your high motivation level may bond/help you more than any missing ability.
By classifying interview questions into one (or more) of the three generic categories, you get a clearer direction simply because you know what they want – What the purpose of the question is.
Therefore, when you prepare your answer to any interview question address its category – If you know the real intent of a question, you minimize your chances of giving the wrong answer.

Improving Your Interview Skills By Practicing & Getting Feedback

There are no shortcuts to developing your interview skills but to practice – The more your practice the better. Once you have prepared answers to interview questions, practice them.

Do It Yourself:

How you practice is up to you. Some ideas for practicing are: In front of the mirror, in front of the PC or while driving your car. However, no matter where you practice do it aloud, rather than thinking your answers.
That is because your brain must be practiced on talking rather than thinking – You need to exercise the talking part of your brain. You can use a video to rehearse.
The only disadvantage of practicing alone is that you don’t get a feedback from an objective person. But here comes the mock interview – For getting a good feedback on your interview skills you can conduct a mock interview.

What Is A Mock Interview?

A mock interview is a simulation of a real interview with someone plays the interviewer role and you perform as an interviewee practicing your answers. It is a good idea to set up mock interviews with someone you know you can work with – A friend, family member or a colleague. A good mock interview consists of two parts – The interview part and the feedback part.
If you want to simulate a real interview situation, take the mock interview seriously – No breakups, no talks and especially no starting again. Prepare set of questions and let your helper go over these questions before you start the mock interview. Most importantly, after the interview, ask for an honest feedback – positives or negatives.

2015-04-18 06:11:48

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