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#1 2015-04-20 05:48:08

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Conduct a Job Interview?

Tips For Conducting A Job Interview

An Overview:

Employers want to hire the best applicant for the prospective job based on an accurate selection method. The questions asked by many interviewers and hiring managers are:
☛ What is the best job interview structure for conducting interviews and selecting candidates?
☛ Is there a solid preferable method for the interview process and the questions to ask?
☛ Any tips on interviewing?
☛ What is the most accurate selection method?

Conducting Interviews Effectively

In fact, there are 4 ways to conduct a job interview for a certain position:
1) Performing a natural/casual style interview.
2) Structuring the job interview process but leave the content loose to fit each candidate.
3) Structuring the interview questions but leave the rest alone.
4) Structuring all aspects of the interview process and content.
Research suggests that # 4 is the best way to conduct a job interview and hire employees. A structured interview is basically:

Questions To Ask:

Asking each and every candidate the same set of questions.

The Interview Process:

Each candidate passes an identical process – interviewers, tests and evaluation process.

A Note:

Follow-up questions can be asked to clarify answers as long as the frame is kept.

General Guidelines For Conducting Job Interviews: "Process And Questions"

The interviewer has to make a research to decide what specific competencies required for the job under question. After having set of job requirements (i.e. competencies – experience/knowledge, skills and behavior), s/he designs series of job interview questions in order to evaluate matches between candidates’ profile and the job.

After Conducting An Interview How To Evaluate Candidate’s Answers

When multiple interviewers follow the same structured format, a more precise and robust image of candidate arises. That said, structured interview is accurate when asking the same questions and performing identical process of evaluation after any interviewing stage. The interviewers can also rate each answer on multiple scales.

For Example:

☛ Leadership
☛ Critical decision-making
☛ Creative problem solving
☛ Managing others
☛ Ability to take responsibilities
☛ Self learner
☛ Ability to inspire others
☛ Verbal communication skills
☛ Communication skills
☛ Analytical thinking

Important Tip For Interviewer:

There is a good correlation between the interview scores and the future job performance (long tern employee success) only if a complete structured interview is performed.

2015-04-20 05:48:08

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