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#1 2012-04-02 05:57:40
Cryptography General Interview Questions And Answers
Cryptography :: Cryptography General Job Interview Questions and Answers
Cryptography General job interview questions and answers guideline. Lean Cryptography General and get preparation for the job of Cryptography General
1 ► What is RSA?
2 ► How Fast is RSA?
3 ► What Would it Take to Break RSA?
4 ► Are Strong Primes Necessary in RSA?
5 ► How Large a Modulus (Key) Should be Used in RSA?
6 ► How Large Should the Primes be?
7 ► Can Users of RSA run out of Distinct Primes?
8 ► How do You Know if a Number is Prime?
9 ► How is RSA Used for Authentication in Practice? What are RSA Digital Signatures?
10 ► What are the Alternatives to RSA?
11 ► Is RSA Currently in Use Today?
12 ► Is RSA an Official Standard Today?
13 ► Is RSA a De Facto Standard?
14 ► Is RSA Patented?
15 ► Can RSA be Exported from the United States?
16 ► What is Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement?
17 ► What are DSA and DSS?
18 ► Is DSA Secure?
19 ► Is the Use of DSA Covered by Any Patents?
20 ► What are Special Signature Schemes?
21 ► What is a Blind Signature Scheme?
22 ► What is a Designated Confirmer Signature?
23 ► What is a Fail-stop Signature Scheme?
24 ► What is a Group Signature?
25 ► What is Blowfish?
26 ► What is SAFER?
27 ► What is FEAL?
28 ► What is Skipjack?
29 ► What is a Stream Cipher?
30 ► What is SEAL?
31 ► What is a Linear Feedback Shift Register?
32 ► What are Shift Register Cascades?
33 ► What are the Shrinking and Self-Shrinking Generators?
34 ► What Other Stream Ciphers Are There?
35 ► What is a One-time Pad?
36 ► What is a Hash Function?
37 ► What is a birthday attack?
38 ► How does the length of a hash value affect security?
39 ► What is a compression function?
40 ► What are pseudo-collisions?
41 ► What is the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA and SHA-1)?
42 ► What Other Hash Functions Are There?
43 ► What are Message Authentication Codes (MACs)?
44 ► What is Shamirs Secret Sharing Scheme?
45 ► What is Blakleys Secret Sharing Scheme?
46 ► What are Visual Secret Sharing Schemes?
47 ► What are Interactive Proofs and Zero-Knowledge Proofs?
48 ► How do Digital Timestamps Support Digital Signatures?
49 ► What is DNA Computing?
50 ► What is the Quantum Cryptography?
2012-04-02 05:57:40
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