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#1 2015-04-25 05:19:25

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "Why Have You Applied For This Job?"

Tips For Answering Interview Question "Why Have You Applied For This Job?"

An Overview:

In other words, the interviewer is asking: “what motivates you to apply for the job” Or “what interests you to apply for this job”. He/she would want to get one of the most important factors for their hiring decision – Your motivation level.

Employers Love Motivated Employees:

Highly motivated employees are invaluable to any organization. Experienced employers know that motivated employees are quick learners, complete their tasks enthusiastically, care about many things and often go beyond the call of their duty.
On the other side, if you contrast this with an unmotivated people. Even highly talented people who lack motivation can border on the ineffectual. Therefore, motivated people develop their talent by their inner drive. They ask questions, volunteer to jobs and overcome obstacles down the road. Motivated employees worth twice as much as talented ones who lack motivation. An unmotivated talented employee is an oxymoron to the business.

Why Did You Apply For This Position?

Suggested Activity To Communicate Your Motivation Levels To The Job:

Make a short list of all the aspects that attract you to choose your career plus the things that attracts you to apply for the job. If you’re having problems coming up with answers, take a close look at your career and the main duties of the job you like to do.
Ask yourself, ‘What is it about these duties that I like?’
Avoid broad statements and be as specific as you can. Once you’ve compiled your list, answer the following questions:
Why have I applied for this job AND what are the sorts of things that motivate me?
Keep on practicing your answers until you’re happy with the results and the fluency of your answer.

Your Body Language:

Convincing interviewers that you are highly motivated requires more than answering questions the right way. Body language and how you say things are just as important.
When preparing your answers to motivation questions, one of the key questions you can ask yourself is ‘Why do I like this kind of work?’ Your specific responses to this question will constitute the core of your motivation answers.
Do not forget to express yourself with enthusiasm. Interviewers expect to see keenness in motivated candidates.

Also Read Our Article: What Motivates You?

2015-04-25 05:19:25

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