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#1 2015-04-25 05:29:44

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "Why Do You Want To Work in Customer Service?"

Tips For Answering Interview Question "Why Do You Want To Work in Customer Service?"

An Overview:

At job interviews, you have to work quite hard to communicate your motivation levels with the employer. This is because the motivation level of each and every candidate is verified.
In other words, an experienced interviewer picks up even the slightest signal given by the interviewee. These signals can be divided into three groups:
1) What is said.
2) How it is said.
3) The body language of the interviewee.
The question ‘why would you like to work in customer service’ is among many other motivation questions asked in a job interview.

Why Working In Customer Service?

Here are two answers to compare. Which of the two would you rather hear at a job interview?

Why Customer Service?

Answer 1:

I like dealing with customers even though many are irritating and irate. However, I do realize that my job depends on the customers’ satisfaction and therefore I make a big effort to satisfy them.

Answer 2:

I love dealing with customers. I really enjoy the interaction with people and find no problem answering even the most trivial questions. I get a deep sense of satisfaction when solving problems or helping customers out in one way or another.
As you can see, the second answer is full of positive energy and sounds better than the first one. It starts with a very clear statement and strengthens this with several more affirmations.

Why Is The Second Answer Better?

It gives a clear impression of a highly motivated person who provides high standards of customer service. The speaker shares one of his innate values when stating, ‘I get a deep sense of satisfaction helping customers.’
By speaking about your beliefs, you partly address the question, ‘Are you the sort of person we can work with?’
On the other hand, the first answer is an answer from a person who may provide good customer service but only because s/he is forced to. We all know the irate/irritating customers, but job interviews are not the place to volunteer your views about them.

Also Read Our Articles:
Your Personality In An Interview
Why Do You Want To Be A Manager?
What Is Your Goal And Career Objective?

2015-04-25 05:29:44

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