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#1 2015-04-27 05:36:45

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "What Animal are You?"

Tips For Answering Interview Question "What Animal are You?"

An Overview:

In order to gauge an interviewee’s match with the job, organization’s culture and working methods, many a times, hiring managers ask unexpected job interview questions. Out of all the odd questions that one can think about, a question that makes one smile (or embarrassed) is: ‘What animal would you like to be?’ or ‘what animal do you feel best represents you?’
Countless times this question has been asked to candidates and only a handful of them have been able to stay composed and provide a valid answer while many have been caught ‘off the hook’. Though it sounds as an odd question, there’s always a good reason for asking you to describe an animal that fits your personality.

A Psychological Tool To Judge You In And Out

You Personality:

What type of animal are you? It is psychological question to probe deep into an applicant’s psyche. The employer tries to find out what the candidate feels or what he wants others to think about him/her. For instance, if you happen to say ‘I would like to be a lion’, then perhaps, the employer will understand that you want others to perceive you as a strong individual with born leadership qualities. ‘I feel like a bird’, means you would like to be free – work independently or work alone.

Think About The Job Requirements:

Such a question also gives a chance to the employer to see if the employee fits in the job profile or not. You can specify an animal whose traits seem to match the job requirements. So what animal would you be if you had a choice to be an animal?
Bad Example:
“I am a rabbit.” A rabbit exhibits soft/shyness in carrying out activities. It is not good expression for someone who applies for a Sales Job.
Good Example:
“I am a lion.” This will stress good traits for a Marketing/Sales Job profiles as well as managerial and team lead positions.

Perceptive Characteristics Of Some Animals

Here are some perceptive characteristics of some animals:
Dog: Loyal
Lion: Strong, leader
Cat: Individualistic, Survivor
Pig: Lazy
Cow: Gullible, Vulnerable

Tackling The Question

Buy Yourself Time:

Do not rush up things. Take time and formulate your response. You should ask for clarifications to clear doubts pertaining to what the hiring manager might be looking for. Though, it may sound as an odd question, still you shouldn’t resist answering the same on a light note. Take the question seriously and answer the same with great care.

Be Calm And Composed:

Sometimes, an employer tries to gauge how you would face such an odd situation. He/she would also like to check how you would address the question. Thus, it is always advisable to stay calm and be confident in answering the question. Maintaining eye contact is necessary while reverting to the employer.

Do Not Give Up:

Try not giving up even if you think the employer is not convinced. Elaborate more but do not give up. The only way to face such an odd question is to stay composed and being honest in whatever you say.

2015-04-27 05:36:45

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