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#1 2015-04-27 05:56:43

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Answer Interview Question "Who is Your Hero?"

Tips For Answering Interview Question "Who is Your Hero? Who Influenced/inspires You The Most?"

An Overview:

One of the questions that can be asked in a job interview is ‘Who influenced you?’ or “Who is your hero?” Be it an interview for a government position or a private organization, apparently, it is a frequently asked interview question. Before you consider how to answer the question, try and find out the intent.

What Does The Interviewer Want?

By prompting you to answer such a question, the employer wants to judge your character, your value system and your personality. Thus, you need to do your homework well knowing whom to speak about and what traits of this persona you hold high regards for. Once you know this, you can bring forth the common values in between you and your hero and use it strategically to outdo the competition you face.

Who Inspires You And Why? Who Influenced You The Most And In What Way?

There is a certain way to do that:

Plan Your Move:

You need to decide what personal traits/values you wish to showcase with respect to the job in concern. For instance, if you have applied for the job of a firefighter, you may like to showcase personality traits such as courage and reliability.

Good Example:

“I have always been inspired by the legendary Greek hero- Leonidous. He knew that he faced grave dangers and could have lost his life; but for his countrymen he took the giant leap.”

Bad Example:

“My hero is my piano teacher. He has this knack understanding human feelings and catering to them through his music.”
Now that you’ve understood how to answer, what about knowing the characteristics most of the employers look for. Here are some of them: Adaptability, good interpersonal communication, Leadership, Creativity, Innovativeness, honesty and dedication.
Not only should you list people who inspire you but also tell why and how – The good things and examples you think you’ve learned about these heroes.

More Tips About Listing Inspirational Heroes


Be extra cautious while naming a celebrity, a politician or any other controversial person as your hero. Why? Well, employers might have preconceived notions/biases towards certain people that you might be unaware of. If you neglect this fact, you may rub the employer the wrong way and garner a tough situation.

For Instance:

If you have always been overwhelmed by someone’s achievements and you consider him as your hero. I don’t want to give a certain name… Still you wouldn’t want to mention him to an employer who happens to be a woman (especially a feminist). A woman employer might have a strong opinion about this hero and she may think of him as a bad example of someone who left his wife and kids for a rock star.

Safest Bet:

Speaking about people whom the interviewer might not know. It is always better to indicate names of such persons. Good example: “My father is my hero. He knows how to value people and help them as far as he can. He plans ahead, works hard and gives his best shot in any situation. He believes anything can be achieved if the intent to do and the willingness to learn is there.”

2015-04-27 05:56:43

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