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#1 2012-04-02 06:02:24
Inorganic Chemistry Interview Questions And Answers
Chemistry :: Inorganic Chemistry Job Interview Questions and Answers
Inorganic Chemistry job interview preparation guide. Number of Inorganic Chemistry frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many Inorganic Chemistry interviews
1 ► What is hybridyzation? How can we find that which type hybridyzation in perticular compound like in CH4(hy is sp3)?
2 ► Why sulphuric acid has more viscosity than water?
3 ► Write short note on steroids, terpenes, prostagladins and phospholipids?
4 ► Who is the father of chemistry?
5 ► Give the IUPAC name.i) [Co(NH3)5SO4]Clii) [Co(NH3)5Cl] SO4iii) [CoCl.CN.NO2.(NH3)3]
6 ► Out of (CH3)3C- and (CH3)2CH- carboanion, which is more stable and why?
7 ► What is the basics of electronic spectroscopy?
8 ► Why lead acetate s used in the Limit test of Arsenic?What role Lead Acetate plays?
9 ► What is the inorganic chemistry?
10 ► What is thickness of the polystyrene film?
11 ► Why we use sulphuric acid in the experiment of measure absorpance of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4?
12 ► Process is feo,fe2o3 and fe3o4?
13 ► Explain A catalyst?
2012-04-02 06:02:24
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