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#1 2015-04-28 05:43:48

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How Did You Improve Your Skills?

Tips For Answering Interview Question "How Did You Improve Your Skills Or What Have You Done To Develop Your Skills?"

An Overview:

It is quite common for interviewers to probe interviewees on the skills they claim to possess. Interviewers leave no stone unturned to ascertain if the interviewees are not ‘bluffing’ about the skills and they do have the required skills sets for the job. Leaving aside that, they also tend to check if you have made conscious efforts to develop/hone your skills further.
If they have, they tend to drill down further in order to understand what processes they incorporated, what tasks they undertook while developing the said skills.

Questions About Your Job Skills And Professional Skills

So, what is it that makes an interviewer dwell upon an interviewee’s effort in improving of skills?
It is indeed natural to do so. The basic motto of an interviewer while probing on the questions is to understand whether the interviewee is PROACTIVE in honing his skills further or does he wish to live on the skills he has, all throughout his life. Needless to say, no interviewer would like to shortlist/select a candidate who has a laid back attitude. He would always want him to be proactive.

Improving And Developing Your Skills

So, how does one answer when the interviewer asks you, “How did you improve your job skills?”
Ideally, an interviewee should include/touch-base upon the following aspects while elaborating on the topic:

Specialized Course:

An interviewee may choose to talk about a specialized course that he may have taken for improving his skills.

After Hours Study:

An interviewee may even elaborate upon after work-hours study while elaborating about the concern. He may mention names about on-line courses, magazines, books etc.

Selection Of Jobs:

This is yet another way through which an interviewee can demonstrate his KEENESS to improve his/her skills. If he can validate his careful selection of jobs and how each of the job (in past) has helped him in honing his skills; he is sure to impress the interviewer!

Consider An Example


“As for your skills, what have you done to develop your professional skills?”


Well, I can sum it up into three different ways:
1) I enrolled myself for a course in JAVA, Visual Basic after work hours.
2) I subscribed magazines such as Dataquest etc for keeping me informed with newer studies in the subject.
3) I have always selected jobs that help be getter a better edge in software programming and acquire newer skills as well.

2015-04-28 05:43:48

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Re: How Did You Improve Your Skills?


#2 2016-06-08 06:28:24

From: San Francisco
Registered: 2016-06-07
Posts: 9

Re: How Did You Improve Your Skills?

Good post with some common questions and answers asked during an interview. These common questions are so tricky that candidates most of the times get confused. Thanks for sharing with us.

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